Tutorial by Examples: cookies

The following variables set up the below example: var COOKIE_NAME = "Example Cookie"; /* The cookie's name. */ var COOKIE_VALUE = "Hello, world!"; /* The cookie's value. */ var COOKIE_PATH = "/foo/bar"; /* The cookie's path. */ var COOKIE_EXPIRES; ...
var name = name + "=", cookie_array = document.cookie.split(';'), cookie_value; for(var i=0;i<cookie_array.length;i++) { var cookie=cookie_array[i]; while(cookie.charAt(0)==' ') cookie = cookie.substring(1,cookie.length); if(cookie.indexOf(name)==0) ...
var expiry = new Date(); expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime() - 3600); document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString() + "; path=/" This will remove the cookie with a given name.
The fetch function does not send cookies by default. There are two possible ways to send cookies: Only send cookies if the URL is on the same origin as the calling script. fetch('/login', { credentials: 'same-origin' }) Always send cookies, even for cross-origin calls. fetch('htt...
Because of security reasons, by default cookies are accessible only on the same domain from which they were set. For example, if you have set a cookie on domain example.com, you cannot get it on domain www.example.com. So if you're planning to use subdomains (i.e. admin.example.com, profile.exampl...
In case of autologin or "remember me" cookie, the same quirks as in case of subdomain cookies are applying. But this time you need to configure user component, setting identityCookie array to desired cookie config. Open you application config file and add identityCookie parameters to use...
If you want to make sure cookies are enabled before using them, you can use navigator.cookieEnabled: if (navigator.cookieEnabled === false) { alert("Error: cookies not enabled!"); } Note that on older browsers navigator.cookieEnabled may not exist and be undefined. In those case...
The following is an example for setting and reading cookies using the cookie-parser module: var express = require('express'); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); // module for parsing cookies var app = express(); app.use(cookieParser()); app.get('/setcookie', function(req, res){ ...
import Foundation class CookiesSingleton { static let instance : CookiesSingleton = CookiesSingleton() static var enableDebug = true func loadCookies() { if let cookiesDetails = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().objectForKey("customeWebsite") { for (keys,_) i...
cURL can keep cookies received in responses for use with subsequent requests. For simple session cookie handling in memory, this is achieved with a single line of code: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); In cases where you are required to keep cookies after the cURL handle is de...

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