Tutorial by Examples: cucumber

Cucumber uses Gherkin syntax to describe your software's behaviors in structured natural language. As such Cucumber is not a test framework (a common misunderstanding), but a system documentation framework, not very different from others like Use Case Scenario. The common misunderstanding is due t...
In features/step_definitions/documentation.rb: When /^I go to the "([^"]+)" documentation$/ do |section| path_part = case section when "Documentation" "documentation" else raise "Unknown documentation section: #{section...
In features/documentation.feature: Feature: Documentation Scenario: User views documentation When I go to the "Cucumber" documentation Then I should see the "Cucumber" documentation A minimal feature has a Feature line and a Scenario with one or more steps begi...
Go to File --> Settings --> click plugins in left hand pane --> Search for cucumber --> Install plugin
To install the Cucumber for Java plugin for IntelliJ on a Mac, Start IntelliJ IDEA. Click on the "IntelliJ IDEA" tab in the top bar. Click on "Preferences". In Preferences/Settings, click "Plugins" in the left-hand pane. Click the "Browse Repositories&quot...
Steps for Getting Started: Download Eclipse Create a Java Maven Project with following example package organization src/test/java com.example.pageobjects com.example.steps com.example.runner src/test/resources Add Cucumber Eclipse Plugin : https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-eclipse/wik...

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