Tutorial by Examples: defs

typedef double (^Operation)(double first, double second); If you declare a block type as a typedef, you can then use the new type name instead of the full description of the arguments and return values. This defines Operation as a block that takes two doubles and returns a double. The type can b...
Combining typedef with struct can make code clearer. For example: typedef struct { int x, y; } Point; as opposed to: struct Point { int x, y; }; could be declared as: Point point; instead of: struct Point point; Even better is to use the following typedef struct Poin...
<svg width="400px" height="400px"> <defs> <rect id="defrect" fill="blue" fill-opacity=".5" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100"/> </defs> <rect fill="red" x="...
A typedef declaration has the same syntax as a variable or function declaration, but it contains the word typedef. The presence of typedef causes the declaration to declare a type instead of a variable or function. int T; // T has type int typedef int T; // T is an alias for int int A[1...

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