Tutorial by Examples: dependencies

Dependencies can be added for a specific product flavor, similar to how they can be added for specific build configurations. For this example, assume that we have already defined two product flavors called free and paid (more on defining flavors here). We can then add the AdMob dependency for the ...
When working with multi-module projects, it is helpful to centralize dependencies in a single location rather than having them spread across many build files, especially for common libraries such as the Android support libraries and the Firebase libraries. One recommended way is to separate the Gra...
"dependencies": { "module-name": "0.1.0" } exact: 0.1.0 will install that specific version of the module. newest minor version: ^0.1.0 will install the newest minor version, for example 0.2.0, but won't install a module with a higher major version e.g. 1.0.0 newe...
Builtin container comes with a set of builtin features : Lifetime control public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // ... services.AddTransient<ITestService, TestService>(); // or services.AddScoped<ITestService, TestSer...
Once registered a dependency can be retrieved by adding parameters on the Controller constructor. // ... using System; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; namespace Core.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { public HomeController(ITestServic...
A common way to download Go dependencies is by using the go get <package> command, which will save the package into the global/shared $GOPATH/src directory. This means that a single version of each package will be linked into each project that includes it as a dependency. This also means that...
To create a JAR containing all of its dependencies, it is possible to use the built-in descriptor format jar-with-dependencies. The following example configures an execution of the Assembly Plugin bound to the package phase, using this built-in descriptor and declaring a main class of com.example: ...
If you have a multi-parameter type-class with arguments a, b, c, and x, this extension lets you express that the type x can be uniquely identified from a, b, and c: class SomeClass a b c x | a b c -> x where ... When declaring an instance of such class, it will be checked against all other in...
The aar file doesn't contain the transitive dependencies and doesn't have a pom file which describes the dependencies used by the library. It means that, if you are importing a aar file using a flatDir repo you have to specify the dependencies also in your project. You should use a maven repositor...
Calling the dependencies task allows you to see the dependencies of the root project: gradle dependencies The results are dependency graphs (taking into account transitive dependencies), broken down by configuration. To restrict the displayed configurations, you can pass the --configuration opti...
The example below describes how to declare three different types of direct dependencies in the app/ module's build.gradle file: android {...} ... dependencies { // The 'compile' configuration tells Gradle to add the dependency to the // compilation classpath and inclu...
In a multi-project gradle build, you can have a dependency with another module in your build. Example: dependencies { // Dependency on the "mylibrary" module from this project compile project(":mylibrary") } The compile project(':mylibrary') line decla...
You can have a dependency with a single jar or multiple jar files. With a single jar file you can add: dependencies { compile files('libs/local_dependency.jar') } It's possible to add a directory of jars to compile. dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']...
You can add remote dependencies in Gradle usign this structure: compile 'group:name:version' or this alternative syntax: compile group: 'xxx', name: 'xxxxx', version: 'xxxx' For example: compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1.0' The compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:24.1....
Roles also enable you to define other roles as a dependency by creating a meta/main.yml file with a dependencies block: dependencies: - role: common It's also possible to pass a value to a parameter/variable in the dependent role: dependencies: - { role: common, some_parameter: 3 } Or ...
So you want to deploy your app to multiple sites? and your project has too many dependencies to install them one-by-one? Npm has a solution just issue the following command: npm init In the project's root folder then follow the instructions on screen (type in the desired value then press enter) ...
You can specify different dependencies for each platforms: "net45": { "frameworkAssemblies": { "System.Linq": "4.1.0" } }, "netstandard1.3": { "dependencies": { "NETStandard.Library": "1.6....
@Singleton @Component(modules = AppModule.class) public interface AppComponent { void inject(App app); Context provideContext(); Gson provideGson(); MainActivityComponent mainActivityComponent(ActivityModule activityModule); } @ActivityScope @Subcomponent(modules = Act...
To find out what packages your project directly depends on, you can simply use this command: stack list-dependencies This way you can find out what version of your dependencies where actually pulled down by stack. Haskell projects frequently find themselves pulling in a lot of libraries indirec...
Dependencies can be added for specific configuration like test/androidTest androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:2.2.1' testCompile 'junit:junit:3.8.1' Alternatively create your own configuration configurations { myconfig } And then download dependency fo...

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