Tutorial by Examples: e

var now = DateTime.UtcNow; //accesses member of a class. In this case the UtcNow property.
var zipcode = myEmployee?.Address?.ZipCode; //returns null if the left operand is null. //the above is the equivalent of: var zipcode = (string)null; if (myEmployee != null && myEmployee.Address != null) zipcode = myEmployee.Address.ZipCode;
var age = GetAge(dateOfBirth); //the above calls the function GetAge passing parameter dateOfBirth.
var letters = "letters".ToCharArray(); char letter = letters[1]; Console.WriteLine("Second Letter is {0}",letter); //in the above example we take the second character from the array //by calling letters[1] //NB: Array Indexing starts at 0; i.e. the first letter would be give...
var letters = null; char? letter = letters?[1]; Console.WriteLine("Second Letter is {0}",letter); //in the above example rather than throwing an error because letters is null //letter is assigned the value null
using System.Text; //allows you to access classes within this namespace such as StringBuilder //without prefixing them with the namespace. i.e: //... var sb = new StringBuilder(); //instead of var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
using st = System.Text; //allows you to access classes within this namespace such as StringBuilder //prefixing them with only the defined alias and not the full namespace. i.e: //... var sb = new st.StringBuilder(); //instead of var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
6.0 Allows you to import a specific type and use the type's static members without qualifying them with the type name. This shows an example using static methods: using static System.Console; // ... string GetName() { WriteLine("Enter your name."); return ReadLine(); } ...
Notes: This example must be run in administrative mode. Only one simultaneous client is supported. For simplicity, filenames are assumed to be all ASCII (for the filename part in the Content-Disposition header) and file access errors are not handled. using System; using System.IO; using Syst...
Deprecated usage The ConfigurationSettings class was the original way to retrieve settings for an assembly in .NET 1.0 and 1.1. It has been superseded by the ConfigurationManager class and the WebConfigurationManager class. If you have two keys with the same name in the appSettings section of the ...
The ConfigurationManager class supports the AppSettings property, which allows you to continue reading settings from the appSettings section of a configuration file the same way as .NET 1.x supported. app.config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration&gt...
Visual Studio helps manage user and application settings. Using this approach has these benefits over using the appSettings section of the configuration file. Settings can be made strongly typed. Any type which can be serialized can be used for a settings value. Application settings can be...
Starting from a new Settings class and custom configuration section: Add an application setting named ExampleTimeout, using the time System.Timespan, and set the value to 1 minute: Save the Project Properties, which saves the Settings tab entries, as well as re-generates the custom Settings cl...
var collection = new BlockingCollection<int>(5); var random = new Random(); var producerTask = Task.Run(() => { for(int item=1; item<=10; item++) { collection.Add(item); Console.WriteLine("Produced: " + item); Thread.Sleep(random.Next(1...
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(n => new Task<int>(() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); return n; })).ToArray(); foreach(var task in tasks) task.Start(); Task.WaitAll(tasks); foreach(var task in tasks) Console.WriteLine(task.Result); ...
var task1 = Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task 1 code starting..."); throw new Exception("Oh no, exception from task 1!!"); }); var task2 = Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task 2 code starting..."); throw new Exception("Oh ...
var task1 = Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task 1 code starting..."); throw new Exception("Oh no, exception from task 1!!"); }); var task2 = Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("Task 2 code starting..."); throw new Exception("Oh ...
var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var cancellationToken = cancellationTokenSource.Token; var task = new Task((state) => { int i = 1; var myCancellationToken = (CancellationToken)state; while(true) { Console.Write...
var random = new Random(); IEnumerable<Task<int>> tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(n => Task.Run(async() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); await Task.Delay(random.Next(10,1000)); return n; })); Task<Task<int>> whenAnyTask = Tas...
var random = new Random(); IEnumerable<Task<int>> tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(n => Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); return n; })); Task<int[]> task = Task.WhenAll(tasks); int[] results = await task; Console.WriteLine...

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