Tutorial by Examples: editor

Git will usually open an editor (like vim or emacs) when you run git commit. Pass the -m option to specify a message from the command line: git commit -m "Commit message here" Your commit message can go over multiple lines: git commit -m "Commit 'subject line' message here Mor...
There are several ways to set which editor to use for committing, rebasing, etc. Change the core.editor configuration setting. $ git config --global core.editor nano Set the GIT_EDITOR environment variable. For one command: $ GIT_EDITOR=nano git commit Or for all commands run in a ...
Step 1: Open a Workbook Step 2 Option A: Press Alt + F11 This is the standard shortcut to open the VBE. Step 2 Option B: Developer Tab --> View Code First, the Developer Tab must be added to the ribbon. Go to File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon, then check the box for developer. ...
You can open the VB editor in any of the Microsoft Office applications by pressing Alt+F11 or going to the Developer tab and clicking on the "Visual Basic" button. If you don't see the Developer tab in the Ribbon, check if this is enabled. By default the Developer tab is disabled. To enab...
Atom https://atom.io/packages/language-elm https://atom.io/packages/elmjutsu Light Table https://github.com/rundis/elm-light Sublime Text https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Elm%20Language%20Support Vim https://github.com/ElmCast/elm-vim Emacs https://github.com/jcollard/e...
Layout Unity basic editor will look like below. Basic functionalities of some default windows/tabs are described in the image. Linux Layout There is a little difference in menu layout of linux version, like the screenshot below, Basic Usage Create an empty GameObject by right clicking in th...
While you can create LaTeX documents using any editor and compiling using the console, there exist several plugins for widely used editors to simplify creating LaTeX documents, and there are specialized LaTeX editors. An exhaustive list of LaTeX editors is available on TeX.SE (the StackExchange site...
Open a text editor (like Notepad), and type the code below: using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SampleApp { public class MainForm : Form { private Button btnHello; // The form's con...
Open a text editor (like Notepad), and type the code below: Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms Namespace SampleApp Public Class MainForm : Inherits Form Private btnHello As Button ' The form's constructor: thi...
Extra care should be taken when accessing serialized fields in a ScriptableObject instance. If a field is marked public or serialized through SerializeField, changing its value is permanent. They do not reset when exiting playmode like MonoBehaviours do. This can be useful at times, but it can also...
Why an Editor Window? As you may have seen, you can do a lot of things in a custom inspector (if you don't know what a custom inspector is, check the example here : http://www.riptutorial.com/unity3d/topic/2506/extending-the-editor. But at one point you may want to implement a configuration panel, ...
You can save the layout of your tabs and windows to standardize your work environment. The layouts menu can be found in the upper right corner of Unity Editor: Unity ships with 5 default layouts (2 by 3, 4 Split, Default, Tall, Wide) (marked with 1). In the picture above, aside from default layo...
The default editor that will be involked by any scripts or programs, usually vi or emacs. ~> $ echo $EDITOR vi
Editor templates are a good way to reuse Razor code. You can define editor templates as Razor partial views and then use them in other views. Editor templates usually exist in the Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/ folder, although they can also be saved to the Views/ControllerName/EditorTemplates/ fold...
[InitializeOnLoad] public class AttributesExample : MonoBehaviour { static AttributesExample() { [...] } [InitializeOnLoadMethod] private static void Foo() { [...] } } [InitializeOnLoad] public class AttributesExample : MonoBeh...
Generate code Alt+Insert Add comment lines Ctrl+Shift+C Remove comment lines Ctrl+/ Format selection Alt+Shift+F Fix all class imports Ctrl-Shift-I Fix selected class's import Alt+Shift+I Shift lines left Alt+Shift+← Shift lines right Alt+Shift+→ Shift lines up Alt+Shift+↑ Shift li...
I found the solution. Please consider below mention steps. Install wp Markdown Editor plugin. Then Install "acf-wp-wysiwyg" for repeater field. Now you have to update in some files. Open this file and go to line number "180" or go to "create_field" function add echo...
In order to use a plain-text editor to create a Console application that is written in C#, you'll need the C# Compiler. The C# Compiler (csc.exe), can be found at the following location: %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\csc.exe N.B. Depending upon which version of the .NET Framework t...
There are several packages which can run Processing sketches in the Atom editor. These instructions use the Script package. There are also available packages for syntax highlighting and autocomplete, which are required for Script to identify Processing filetypes. Install the Script plugin. Either b...
The Editor is very similar to the Entry in that it allows users to enter some free-form text. The difference is that the Editor allows for multi-line input whereas the Entry is only used for single line input. The Entry also provides a few more properties than the Editor to allow further customizati...

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