Folds are (higher-order) functions used with sequences of elements. They collapse seq<'a>
into 'b
where 'b
is any type (possibly still 'a
). This is a bit abstract so lets get into concrete practical examples.
In this example, 'a
is an int
. We have a list of numbers and we want to calculate sum all the numbers of it. To sum the numbers of the list [1; 2; 3]
we write
List.fold (fun x y -> x + y) 0 [1; 2; 3] // val it : int = 6
Let me explain, because we are dealing with lists, we use fold
in the List
module, hence List.fold
. the first argument fold
takes is a binary function, the folder. The second argument is the initial value. fold
starts folding the list by consecutively applying the folder function to elements in the list starting with the initial value and the first element. If the list is empty, the inital value is returned!
Schematic overview of an execution example looks like this:
let add x y = x + y // this is our folder (a binary function, takes two arguments)
List.fold add 0 [1; 2; 3;]
=> List.fold add (add 0 1) [2; 3]
// the binary function is passed again as the folder in the first argument
// the initial value is updated to add 0 1 = 1 in the second argument
// the tail of the list (all elements except the first one) is passed in the third argument
// it becomes this:
List.fold add 1 [2; 3]
// Repeat untill the list is empty -> then return the "inital" value
List.fold add (add 1 2) [3]
List.fold add 3 [3] // add 1 2 = 3
List.fold add (add 3 3) []
List.fold add 6 [] // the list is empty now -> return 6
The function List.sum
is roughly List.fold add LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero
where the generic zero makes it compatible with integers, floats, big integers etc.
)This is done almost the same as above, but by ignoring the actual value of the element in the list and instead adding 1.
List.fold (fun x y -> x + 1) 0 [1; 2; 3] // val it : int = 3
This can also be done like this:
[1; 2; 3]
|> (fun x -> 1) // turn every elemet into 1, [1; 2; 3] becomes [1; 1; 1]
|> List.sum // sum [1; 1; 1] is 3
So you could define count
as follows:
let count xs =
|> (fun x -> 1)
|> List.fold (+) 0 // or List.sum
This time we will use List.reduce
which is like List.fold
but without an initial value as in this case where we don't know what the type is of the values we are compairing:
let max x y = if x > y then x else y
// val max : x:'a -> y: 'a -> 'a when 'a : comparison, so only for types that we can compare
List.reduce max [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] // 5
List.reduce max ["a"; "b"; "c"] // "c", because "c" > "b" > "a"
List.reduce max [true; false] // true, because true > false
Just like when finding the max, the folder is different
let min x y = if x < y then x else y
List.reduce min [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] // 1
List.reduce min ["a"; "b"; "c"] // "a"
List.reduce min [true; false] // false
Here we are taking list of lists
The folder function is the @
// [1;2] @ [3; 4] = [1; 2; 3; 4]
let merge xs ys = xs @ ys
List.fold merge [] [[1;2;3]; [4;5;6]; [7;8;9]] // [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9]
Or you could use binary operators as your folder function:
List.fold (@) [] [[1;2;3]; [4;5;6]; [7;8;9]] // [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9]
List.fold (+) 0 [1; 2; 3] // 6
List.fold (||) false [true; false] // true, more on this below
List.fold (&&) true [true; false] // false, more on this below
// etc...
Same idea as when summing the numbers, but now we multiply them. if we want the factorial of n
we multiplty all elements in the list [1 .. n]
. Code becomes:
// the folder
let times x y = x * y
let factorial n = List.fold times 1 [1 .. n]
// Or maybe for big integers
let factorial n = List.fold times 1I [1I .. n]
, exists
and contains
the function forall
checks if all elements in a sequence satisfy a condition. exists
checks if atleast one element in the list satisfy the condition. First we need to know how to collapse a list of bool
values. Well, we use folds ofcourse! boolean operators will be our folder functions.
To check if all elements in a list are true
we collapse them with the &&
function with true
as initial value.
List.fold (&&) true [true; true; true] // true
List.fold (&&) true [] // true, empty list -> return inital value
List.fold (&&) true [false; true] // false
Likewise, to check if one element is true
in a list booleans we collapse it with the ||
operator with false
as initial value:
List.fold (||) false [true; false] // true
List.fold (||) false [false; false] // false, all are false, no element is true
List.fold (||) false [] // false, empty list -> return inital value
Back to forall
and exists
. Here we take a list of any type, use the condition to transform all elements to boolean values and then we collapse it down:
let forall condition elements =
|> condition // condition : 'a -> bool
|> List.fold (&&) true
let exists condition elements =
|> condition
|> List.fold (||) false
To check if all elements in [1; 2; 3; 4] are smaller than 5:
forall (fun n -> n < 5) [1 .. 4] // true
define the contains
method with exists
let contains x xs = exists (fun y -> y = x) xs
Or even
let contains x xs = exists ((=) x) xs
Now check if the list [1 .. 5] contains the value 2:
contains 2 [1..5] // true
:let reverse xs = List.fold (fun acc x -> x :: acc) [] xs
reverse [1 .. 5] // [5; 4; 3; 2; 1]
and filter
let map f = List.fold (fun acc x -> List.append acc [f x]) List.empty
// map (fun x -> x * x) [1..5] -> [1; 4; 9; 16; 25]
let filter p = Seq.fold (fun acc x -> seq { yield! acc; if p(x) then yield x }) Seq.empty
// filter (fun x -> x % 2 = 0) [1..10] -> [2; 4; 6; 8; 10]
Is there anything fold
can't do? I dont' really know