So, we now have
All we need to do now, is to invoke them when needed.
Let us write our tasks according to the syntax we defined earlier
* $.task('name','dependency array',function)
results in building a task object as below
'dep':[array of dependencies],
//*@return returns a stream to notify on task completion
$.task('optimizeHtml', function() {
var src = ['**/*.html', '!{node_modules}/**/*.html'];
return minifyHtml(src);
//*@return returns a stream to notify on task completion
$.task('optimizeScripts', function() {
var src = ['js/**/*.js'];
return optimizeScripts(src);
//*@return returns a stream to notify on task completion
$.task('optimizeStyles', function() {
var src = ['css/**/*.css', 'fonts/google/**/*.css'];
return optimizeStyles(src);
//Take in a callback to ensure notifying the gulp engine, that the task is done
//required since, you are not returning a stream in this task
$.task('generateResponsiveImages', function(callback) {
var src = ['images/**/*.{jpg,png}'];
for (var i = widths.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
generateResponsiveImages(src, widths[i]);