INSERT INTO will append to the table or partition, keeping the existing data intact.
INSERT INTO table yourTargetTable SELECT * FROM yourSourceTable;
If a table is partitioned then we can insert into that particular partition in static fashion as shown below.
select * FROM yourSourceTable;
If a table is partitioned then we can insert into that particular partition in dynamic fashion as shown below. To perfom dynamic partition inserts we must set below below properties.
Dynamic Partition inserts are disabled by default. These are the relevant configuration properties for dynamic partition inserts:
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=non-strict
INSERT INTO TABLE yourTargetTable PARTITION (state=CA, city=LIVERMORE) (date,time)
select * FROM yourSourceTable;
Multiple Inserts into from a table.
Hive extension (multiple inserts):
FROM table_name
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_one SELECT table_name.column_one,table_name.column_two
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_two SELECT table_name.column_two WHERE table_name.column_one == 'something'