Tutorial by Examples: 10

select LastName, FirstName, from Person Returns message: Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'from Person' at line 2. Getting a "1064 error" message from MySQL mean...
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = { let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "ProjectName") container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in if let error = error { fatalError("Unreso...
<svg width="900px" height="400px" viewBox="900 400"> <defs> <filter id="GaussianHardEdge" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%"> <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5"/&gt...
perl -ne'print if 5..10' file.txt
Step 1: Create a new Rails app gem install rails -v 4.1 rails new angular_example Step 2: Remove Turbolinks Removing turbolinks requires removing it from the Gemfile. gem 'turbolinks' Remove the require from app/assets/javascripts/application.js: //= require turbolinks Step 3: Add Angu...
Introduction Unity has a few 'specially named' folders that allows for a variety of uses. One of these folders is called 'Resources' The 'Resources' folder is one of only TWO ways of loading assets at runtime in Unity (The other being AssetBundles (Unity Docs) The 'Resources' folder can reside an...
XAML controls may have dependency properties that can be bound to objects from DataContext or other controls. When the type of the object being bound is different from the type of the target DependencyProperty, a converter may be used to adapt one type to another. Converters are classes implementin...
In Internet Explorer 10+ and Edge, Microsoft provides the -ms-high-contrast media selector to expose the "High Contrast" setting from the browser, which allows the programmer to adjust their site's styles accordingly. The -ms-high-contrast selector has 3 states: active, black-on-white, ...
See discussions in "GRANT" and "Recovering root password".
1067 This is probably related to TIMESTAMP defaults, which have changed over time. See TIMESTAMP defaults in the Dates & Times page. (which does not exist yet) 1292/1366 DOUBLE/Integer Check for letters or other syntax errors. Check that the columns align; perhaps you think you are putting i...
(taking a break) With the inclusion of those 4 error numbers, I think this page will have covered about 50% of the typical errors users get. (Yes, this 'Example' needs revision.) 24 Can't open file (Too many open files) open_files_limit comes from an OS setting. table_open_cache needs to be les...
As the characters/digits can be anywhere within the string, we require lookaheads. Lookaheads are of zero width meaning they do not consume any string. In simple words the position of checking resets to the original position after each condition of lookahead is met. Assumption :- Considering non-wo...
This can be done with a bit of modification in the above regex ^(?=.{10,}$)(?=(?:.*?[A-Z]){2})(?=.*?[a-z])(?=(?:.*?[0-9]){2}).*$ or ^(?=.{10,}$)(?=(?:.*[A-Z]){2})(?=.*[a-z])(?=(?:.*[0-9]){2}).* Let's see how a simple regex ^(?=(?:.*?[A-Z]){2}) works on string abcAdefD Image Credit :- ht...
Django 1.10 introduced a new middleware style where process_request and process_response are merged together. In this new style, a middleware is a callable that returns another callable. Well, actually the former is a middleware factory and the latter is the actual middleware. The middleware facto...
invoke("", somePrivateMethodName, {argument1='one'});
We have a set of data We would like to see by using the following expression in the detail textbox. we can achieve the Remark =IIF(Fields!Points.Value>=10,"Good","Average")
Example Table There are several ways to inject your data into DataTables. Serverside Processing is just one method. In this manner, DataTables has a pre-configured endpoint to retrieve data from, and that endpoint is responsible for accepting all paging/filtering/sorting requests that DataTables ap...
To make an app more cohesive, we often need to keep user's personal settings and preferences consistent across multiple devices that have been logged in with one Microsoft account. In this sample, we use roaming data to store and to load UI settings, game process and user info. But the roaming data ...
WPF apps targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2 and later With WPF apps targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2 (and later), the soft keyboard is automatically invoked and dismissed without any additional steps required. WPF apps targeting .NET Framework 4.6.1 and earlier WPF is not primarily touch enabled, whi...
Pass an upper limit as an argument to the rand() function. Input: my $upper_limit = 100; my $random = rand($upper_limit); print $random . "\n"; Output: A random floating-point number, like... 45.8733038119139

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