Tutorial by Examples: 5s

Below are the PHP5 SuperGlobals $GLOBALS $_REQUEST $_GET $_POST $_FILES $_SERVER $_ENV $_COOKIE $_SESSION $GLOBALS: This SuperGlobal Variable is used for accessing globals variables. <?php $a = 10; function foo(){ echo $GLOBALS['a']; } //Which will print 10 Glo...
'use strict'; // This is an example of a /api/controllers/HomeController.js module.exports = { // This is the index action and the route is mapped via /config/routes.js index(req, res) { // Return a view without view model data // This typically will return the view defined at /v...
This can be used in various chat applications, rss feeds, and social apps where you need to have latest feeds with timestamps: Objective-C - (NSString *)getHistoricTimeText:(NSDate *)since { NSString *str; NSTimeInterval interval = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:since]; if(in...
Hi everyone! This is a demo I love running for people that get started with BigQuery. So let's run some simple queries to get you started. Setup You will need a Google Cloud project: Go to http://bigquery.cloud.google.com/. If it tells you to create a project, follow the link to create a proje...
Goto - http://www.jorambarrez.be/blog/2010/08/02/tutorial-a-bpmn-2-0-hello-world-with-activiti-5-0-alpha4-in-5-steps/ A very Good and detailed tutorial by Joram Barrez (one of the core Developer of Activiti)
To start with creating your own service, take a look at the base class of each service, which is called ItsG5Service. Also you can look at the CamService and the DenmService as they are already implemented services. All application related files and classes can be found in the artery/application sub...

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