Tutorial by Examples: ansi

A common scenario in database queries is IN (...) where the list here is generated at runtime. Most RDBMS lack a good metaphor for this - and there is no universal cross-RDBMS solution for this. Instead, dapper provides some gentle automatic command expansion. All that is requires is a supplied para...
Useful for simple animations, the CSS transition property allows number-based CSS properties to animate between states. Example .Example{ height: 100px; background: #fff; } .Example:hover{ height: 120px; background: #ff0000; } View Result By default, hovering over an...
Chef Scollector Cookbook: https://github.com/alexmbird/chef-scollector Chef Bosun Cookbook: https://github.com/ptqa/chef-bosun Puppet scollector module: https://github.com/axibase/axibase-puppet-modules Bosun Ansible/Vagrant example: https://github.com/gnosek/bosun-deploy
CSS div{ width: 150px; height:150px; background-color: red; transition: background-color 1s; } div:hover{ background-color: green; } HTML <div></div> This example will change the background color when the div is hovered the background-color change will...
Ansible maintains a PPA repository that can be used to install the Ansible binaries: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible -y sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ansible -y To install a specific version, use pip. The PPA may be out of date.
There are two main ways way to install Ansible on OS X, either using the Homebrew or Pip package manager. If you have homebrew, the latest Ansible can be installed using the following command: brew install ansible To install Ansible 1.9.X branch use following command: brew install homebrew/ver...
CSS div { height: 100px; width: 100px; border: 1px solid; transition-property: height, width; transition-duration: 1s, 500ms; transition-timing-function: linear; transition-delay: 0s, 1s; } div:hover { height: 200px; width: 200px; } HTML <div></div> ...
div { -webkit-transition: all 4s ease; -moz-transition: all 4s ease; -o-transition: all 4s ease; transition: all 4s ease; }
ansible-playbook -i path/to/static-inventory-file -l myhost myplaybook.yml
ansible-playbook -i path/to/dynamic-inventory-script.py -l myhost myplaybook.yml See dynamic inventory for more details.
Variables don't necessarily have to expand to their values - substrings can be extracted during expansion, which can be useful for extracting file extensions or parts of paths. Globbing characters keep their usual meanings, so .* refers to a literal dot, followed by any sequence of characters; it's ...
Inline expansion can be disabled with the go:noinline pragma. For example, if we build the following simple program: package main func printhello() { println("Hello") } func main() { printhello() } we get output that looks like this (trimmed for readability): $ go ...
On CLiki, a Wiki for Common Lisp and free Common Lisp software, a list of Proposed ANSI Revisions and Clarifications is being maintained. Since the Common Lisp standard has not changed since 1994, users have found several problems with the specification document. These are documented on the CLiki p...
The aar file doesn't contain the transitive dependencies and doesn't have a pom file which describes the dependencies used by the library. It means that, if you are importing a aar file using a flatDir repo you have to specify the dependencies also in your project. You should use a maven repositor...
Managing AWS resources that scale up and down runs into the limits of the static inventory host file, that's why we need something dynamic. And that's what the dynamic inventories are for. Let's start: Download these ec2.ini and ec2.py files to the your project folder: cd my_ansible_project wget...
You can use Bash Parameter Expansion to emulate common filename-processing operations like basename and dirname. We will use this as our example path: FILENAME="/tmp/example/myfile.txt" To emulate dirname and return the directory name of a file path: echo "${FILENAME%/*}" ...
It's also possible to easily share roles with the community or download roles that have been created by other members of the community with Ansible Galaxy. Ansible ships with a command line tool called ansible-galaxy that can be used to install roles in the role directory defined in the ansible.cfg...
If you need to apply a setting dynamically after the cluster has already started, and it can actually be set dynamically, then you can set it using _cluster/settings API. Transient settings are one of the two type of cluster-wide settings that can be applied. A transient setting will not survive a ...
We can provision remote systems with Ansible. You should have an SSH key-pair and you should take your SSH public key to the machine ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The porpuse is you can login without any authorization. Prerequisites: Ansible You need an Inventory file (for ex.: development.ini...
Common use when: ansible_os_family == "CentOS" when: ansible_os_family == "Redhat" when: ansible_os_family == "Darwin" when: ansible_os_family == "Debian" when: ansible_os_family == "Windows" All Lists based on discuss here http://comments...

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