$("#sortable").sortable({ /*Options Here*/ }); //Initialise Sortable
$("#sortable").sortable("option", "option_name", option_value); //Set option outside initialiser
var value = $("#sortable").sortable("option", "option_name"); //Gets the value of an option
Parameter | Description |
Options | |
appendTo | (jQuery, Element, Selector, String) [Default: "parent"] The element that the helper is added to |
axis | (String) [Default: false] The directions that the item can be dragged (x or y) |
cancel | (Selector) [Default: "input,textarea,button,select,option"] Doesnt start sorting if you start on an element matching the selector |
classes | (Object) [Default: {}] Specify additional classes to add to the sortables elements when the structural classes are added. ({ui-sortable-helper: custom_class}) |
connectWith | (Selector) [Default: false] Allows to items from one sortable to be dragged to another |
containment | (Element, Selector, String) [Default: false] The element that items are constrained to |
cursor | (String) [Default: "auto"] Defines the type of cursor to be shown when sorting |
cursorAt | (Object) [Default: false] Defines the position that the helper looks like its being moved from |
disabled | (Boolean) [Default: false] Disables the sorting if true |
dropOnEmpty | (Boolean) [Default: true] If false items from this sortable can not be placed in empty sortables |
forceHelperSize | (Boolean) [Default: false] Forces the helper to have a size |
forcePlaceholderSize | (Boolean) [Default: false] Forces the placeholder to have a size |
grid | (Array) [Default: false] Defines a grid to snap the helper to ([ x,y ]) |
handle | (Selector, Element) [Default: false] Defines elements that sorting can start on. Opposite to cancel |
helper | (String, Function) [Default: "original"] String "original" or "clone", or function that returns the element to be used as the helper. |
items | (Selector) [Default: "> *"] Defines the items that should be sortable |
opacity | (Number 0.01 to 1) [Default: false] Defines the opacity for the helper |
placeholder | (String) [Default: false] Defines a class or classes to be applied to the placeholder |
revert | (Boolean, Number) [Default: false] The time that it takes the helper to slide into its new position |
scroll | (Boolean) [Default: true] Whether to scroll when at edges of the page |
scrollSensitivity | (Number) [Default: 20] Defines how close to the edge of the page the cursor needs to be to start scrolling |
scrollSpeed | (Number) [Default: 20] The speed at which to scroll |
tolerance | (String) [Default: "intersect"] Defines which mode to use when calculating when one item is over another ("intersect" or "pointer") |
zIndex | (Integer) [Default: 1000] Defines the z-index of the helper when sorting |
Methods | |
cancel() | Cancels the current sort and returns the elements back to their position before the sort started |
destroy() | Removes the sortable functionality and returns the element to its state pre initialisation |
disable() | Disables the sortable |
enable() | Enables the sortable |
instance() | Returns the sortables instance object |
option() | Gets key value pairs of all the options for the sortable |
option(String) | Gets the value of an option |
option(String, Any) | Sets the value of the option specified by the String |
option(Object) | Sets one or more options with the object being key value pairs of options |
refresh() | Refreshes the sortable options reloading all sortable items. This causes new items to be recognised |
refreshPositions() | Rrefreses the cached positions of the sortable items |
serialize(Object) | Serializes the items ids (by default) into a string that can be submitted or appended to a url Object options: {key: sets the key in the serialized string, attribute:[Default "id"] sets the attribute to look at, expression:[Default: "/(.+)-=_/"] regex to split the attribute in to key value pairs} |
toArray(Object) | Serializes the sortable items id into an array. The object can contain a parameter attribute which has the attribute to put into the array default is id |
widget() | Returns a jQuery object of the sortable element |
Events | |
activate(event, ui) | Triggered when connected list, every connected list on drag start receives it |
beforeStop(event, ui) | Triggers before sorting stops when the helper has being shiftered to the same position as the placeholder |
change(event, ui) | Triggered when elements change position ie. when the placeholder moves |
create(event, ui) | Triggered when sortable is created |
deactivate(event, ui) | Triggered when sorting stops. This goes to all connected lists as well |
out(event, ui) | Triggered when the item is moved out of the sortable list |
over(event, ui) | Triggered when the item is moved into a sortable list |
receive(event, ui) | Triggered when an item from a connected list has being dropped into another one. Target is the receiving list |
remove(event, ui) | Triggered when an item from a connected list has being dropped into another one. Target is the giving list |
sort(event, ui) | Triggered during sorting |
start(event, ui) | Triggered when sorting starts |
stop(event, ui) | Triggered when sorting stops |
update(event, ui) | Triggered when sorting stops and the DOM position has being updated |
Official Documentation here