Tutorial by Topics: filter

filter(function, iterable) itertools.ifilter(function, iterable) future_builtins.filter(function, iterable) itertools.ifilterfalse(function, iterable) itertools.filterfalse(function, iterable) ParameterDetailsfunctioncallable that determines the condition or None then use the identity fu...
Stream Filter provides the ability to filter messages on the server before they are sent to a subscriber is a popular request. With the introduction of our v4.x SDKs, you now have the ability to do so using message meta data.
SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE column_name operator value SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name) FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value
{{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter }} {{ my_date_time|my_custom_filter(args) }} ParameterDetailsvalueThe value passed in by Jinja, to be filteredargsExtra arguments to be passed into the filter function
filter: none (default value) filter: initial (defaults to none); filter: inherit (defaults to parent value); filter: blur(px) filter: brightness(number | %) filter: contrast(number | %) filter: drop-shadow(horizontal-shadow-px vertical-shadow-px shadow-blur-px shadow- - spread color) filte...
This extension filters data by either validating or sanitizing it. This is especially useful when the data source contains unknown (or foreign) data, like user supplied input. For example, this data may come from an HTML form. mixed filter_var ( mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT ...
Vue.filter(name, function(value){}); //Basic Vue.filter(name, function(value, begin, end){}); //Basic with wrapping values Vue.filter(name, function(value, input){}); //Dynamic Vue.filter(name, { read: function(value){}, write: function(value){} }); //Two-way ParameterDetailsnameString - ...
add_action( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); add_filter( tag, function_to_call, priority, num_of_args ); ParameterExplanation$tag(string) (Required) The name of the action to which the $function is hooked.$function(callable) (Required) Requires a string containing the functio...
Filter declaration: <filter id="filter-id"> ...list of child primitives ... </filter> Apply filter via SVG attribute: <elementname filter="url(#filter-id)" ... /> Apply filter via CSS property: (-prefix-)filter: url("#filter-id"); Element ...
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'callback_function_name' ); function callback_function_name( $query ) {} // for PHP 5.3.0 or above add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( $query ){} ); ParameterDetails$query(WP_Query) Loop object If you are using PHP 5.3.0 or above, you can use closures (an...
ParameterDetails$addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null){ string } The field we are adding to the filter.$addFieldToFilter($field, $condition = null){ mixed } The definition of the filter we will use.addAttributeToFilter($attr, $condition = null, $join = 'inner'){ string } The field we are addi...

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