Tutorial by Topics: mongo

Query.populate(path, [select], [model], [match], [options]) ParameterExplanationpath<Object, String> either the path to populate or an object specifying all parameters[select]<Object, String> Field selection for the population query (can use '-id' to include everything but the id...
In mongoose, Middlewares are also called as pre and post hooks. There are two types of middleware Both of these middleware support pre and post hooks. Document middleware Its supported for document functions init, validate, save and remove Query middleware Its supported for que...
The most hard part is to attach a subdocument into the document which hasn't created yet if we need the subdocument need to be in the expected looking we will need to iterate with a for loop the array into a variable and using $doc2.add("Key", "Value") instead using the foreach...
These are the basic CRUD operations for using mongo db with nodejs. Question: Are there other ways you can do what is done here ?? Answer : Yes, there are numerous way to do this. Question: Is using mongoose necessary ?? Answer : No. There are other packages available which can help you. Qu...
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a client. When access control, i.e. authorization, is enabled, MongoDB requires all clients to authenticate themselves in order to determine their access. MongoDB supports a number of authentication mechanisms that clients can use to verify...
Authorization is the basically verifies user privileges. MongoDB support different kind of authorization models. 1. Role base access control <br> Role are group of privileges, actions over resources. That are gain to users over a given namespace (Database). Actions are performs on resourc...
MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases, thanks to the help of the MEAN stack. Interfacing with a Mongo database from an Express app is quick and easy, once you understand the kinda-wonky query syntax. We'll use Mongoose to help us out. More information can be found here: http://mon...
This section provides an overview of what mongodb-query is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within mongodb-query, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for mongodb-query is new, you may need to create initial versions of ...
Mongoose is a Node.JS driver for MongoDB. It provides certain benefits over the default MongoDB driver, such as adding types to Schemas. One difference is that some Mongoose queries may differ from their MongoDB equivalents.
How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL? We will deploy a 3 Nodes ReplicaSet in your local environment and we will use a self-signed certificate. Do not use a self-signed certificate in PRODUCTION. How to connect your Client to this ReplicaSet? We will connect a Mongo Shell. A descripti...
This section provides an overview of what mongodb-java is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within mongodb-java, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for mongodb-java is new, you may need to create initial versions of tho...

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