Tutorial by Topics: rewrite

mod_rewrite is a module for Apache. This module is used for internal rewrites (external requests that should load a different resource) and external redirects (external requests that should make the client request a different url). mod_rewrite provides a finer control over internal rewrites than ...
RewriteBase URL-path RewriteCond TestString CondPattern RewriteEngine on|off RewriteMap MapName MapType:MapSource RewriteOptions Options RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]
This topic describes the two contexts in which RewriteRule can be used. In examples omitting RewriteEngine on, it is assumed this directive has occured before that example.
https://gielberkers.com/magento-2-why-use-rewrites-when-you-can-use-plugins/ http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html
The REWRITE statement logically replaces existing records on mass storage.

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