Tutorial by Topics: to

lua_State *L = lua_open(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.0 lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); // Create a new VM state; Lua 5.1+ int luaL_dofile(lua_State *L, const char *filename); // Run a lua script with the given filename using the specified lua_State void luaL_openlibs(lua_State *L); // Lo...
IBM Watson Speech to Text offers a variety of options for transcribing audio in various languages and formats: WebSockets – establish a persistent connection over the WebSocket protocol for continuous transcription Sessionless – transcribe audio without the overhead of establishing and m...
While not required, constructors in Java are methods recognized by the compiler to instantiate specific values for the class which may be essential to the role of the object. This topic demonstrates proper usage of Java class constructors. The Java Language Specification talks at length about ...
In MongoDB 3.0, MMAP (default) and WiredTiger are the stable storage engines. Usually, if your app is read-heavy, use MMAP. If its write-heavy, use WiredTiger. Your solution may also have a mixed replica set members where you can have one node configured with MMAP and another with WiredTiger. Yo...
Scollector is a monitoring agent that can be used to send metrics to Bosun or any system that accepts OpenTSDB style metrics. It is modelled after OpenTSDB's tcollector data collection framework but is written in Go and compiled into a single binary. One of the design goals is to auto-detect servi...
Scollector supports tcollector style external collectors that can be used to send metrics to Bosun via custom scripts or executables. External collectors are a great way to get started collecting data, but when possible it is recommended for applications to send data directly to Bosun or to update...
Scollector can be used to monitor processes and services in Windows and Linux. Some processes like IIS application pools are monitored automatically, but usually you need to specify which processes and services you want to monitor.
Bitwise operations alter binary strings at the bit level. These operations are incredibly basic and are directly supported by the processor. These few operations are necessary in working with device drivers, low-level graphics, cryptography, and network communications. This section provides useful k...
The WebCrypto APIs are usually only available on "secure" origins, meaning that the document must have been loaded over HTTPS or from the local machine (from localhost, file:, or a browser extension). These APIs are specified by the W3C Web Cryptography API Candidate Recommendation. ...
Auto Layout dynamically calculates the size and position of all the views in your view hierarchy, based on constraints placed on those views. Source NSLayoutConstraint(item: Any, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute, relatedBy: NSLayoutRelation, toItem: Any?, attribute: NSLayoutAttribute, multiplier: ...
Unlike most languages, Python supports two major versions. Since 2008 when Python 3 was released, many have made the transition, while many have not. In order to understand both, this section covers the important differences between Python 2 and Python 3. There are currently two supported vers...
Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP; a highly customizable e-commerce platform and content management system that can be used to build online stores for selling merchandise. It provides common e-commerce features, such as shopping carts and inventory management, and encou...
Topics organize Examples into an easily digestible page. They should be self-contained and written for the benefit of the reader in a hurry.
Wild Card with % : SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column_name] Like '%Value%' Wild Card with _ : SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column_name] Like 'V_n%' Wild Card with [charlist] : SELECT * FROM [table] WHERE [column_name] Like 'V[abc]n%' LIKE condition in WHERE clause is used...
val extractor(extractedValue1, _ /* ignored second extracted value */) = valueToBeExtracted valueToBeExtracted match { case extractor(extractedValue1, _) => ???} val (tuple1, tuple2, tuple3) = tupleWith3Elements object Foo { def unapply(foo: Foo): Option[String] = Some(foo.x); }
Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications. Protractor is a wrapper (built on the top) around Selenium WebDriver, so it contains every feature that is available in the Selenium WebDriver. Additionally, Protractor provides some new locator strategies and functions which ...
Here you will learn about the Directives feature of AngularJS. Below you will find information on what Directives are, as well as Basic and Advanced examples of how to use them. ParameterDetailsscopeProperty to set the scope of the directive. It can be set as false, true or as an isolate scope:...

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