Tutorial by Topics: vue

Vue.js is a rapidly growing front-end framework for JavaScript, inspired by Angular.js, Reactive.js, and Rivets.js that offers simplistic user-interface design, manipulation, and deep reactivity. It is described as a MVVM patterned framework, Model-View View-Model, which is based on the concept o...
Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralised store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official dev tools extension to provide adva...
Vue.js 2.X is a fast, lightweight framework for building user interfaces in Javascript. It is similar in many ways to Angular and React, and like those libraries can be used either to provide just the view layer (the V in MVC) for a larger application, or (in combination with other tools) to crea...
One of the most common errors we find in Vue code on StackOverflow is the misuse of this. The most common mistakes fall generally in two areas, using this in callbacks for promises or other asynchronous functions and using arrow functions to define methods, computed properties, etc.
vue-router is the officially supported routing library for vue.js. <router-link to="/path">Link Text</router-link> <!-- Creates a link to the route that matches the path --> <router-view></router-view> <!-- Outlet for the currently matched rout...
Describe how to create single file components in a .vue file. Specially the design decisions that can be made.

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