SourceCookifier parses the current source code for such components as class, function, and variable names and displays them in a tree view at a side panel. Navigation among these members is possible by double-clicking on the component name. The plugin supports a number of languages and customizations are possible for undetermined or user-defined languages. This is useful when working with large codes.

By default, SourceCookifier session mode is set to Single file mode
. Other available modes are N++ session mode
(all the files open in Notepad++) or Cookie session mode

To use Cookie session mode
Drag & Drop your folders with source code to Source Cookifier window
Select the type of files you want to parse

- You can save and load the cookie sessions; moreover, Source Cookifier display the history of the latest sessions
- Opening the file of a saved session in Notepad++ will automatically switch SourceCookifier into cookie session mode and load this session
- Maintaining a keyboard modifier (CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT - they are
all similar) while drag-dropping the folder will fasten the parsing by only adding INCLUDES and not tags

Another useful feature is the ability to jump to the definition of a symbol (e.g. function)
- Select the right "session mode": use cookie mode if the definition of the symbol is in another file not opened in Notepadd++, or single file mode if the definition is in the same file
- In Notepad++, put the cursor in the function/type you want to get definition of, and press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to jump to the definition. If there are several definitions, you can choose the file you want to open

- You can press ALT+LEFT to come back to the previous location (and ALT+RIGHT to go back to the definition)