A number of the demonstration macros within this part requires a function which I will explain later. For the moment, please just copy GetFldrNames()
to a suitable module. I use this function frequently and keep it, and other like it that I use in many different macros, in a module named “ModGlobalOutlook”. You might like to do the same. Alternatively, you might prefer to keep the macro with all the other macros within this tutorial series; you can move it later if you change your mind.
Public Function GetFldrNames(ByRef Fldr As Folder) As String()
' * Fldr is a folder. It could be a store, the child of a store,
' the grandchild of a store or more deeply nested.
' * Return the name of that folder as a string array in the sequence:
' (0)=StoreName (1)=Level1FolderName (2)=Level2FolderName ...
' 12Oct16 Coded
' 20Oct16 Renamed from GetFldrNameStr and amended to return a string array
' rather than a string
Dim FldrCrnt As Folder
Dim FldrNameCrnt As String
Dim FldrNames() As String
Dim FldrNamesRev() As String
Dim FldrPrnt As Folder
Dim InxFN As Long
Dim InxFnR As Long
Set FldrCrnt = Fldr
FldrNameCrnt = FldrCrnt.Name
ReDim FldrNamesRev(0 To 0)
FldrNamesRev(0) = Fldr.Name
' Loop getting parents until FldrCrnt has no parent.
' Add names of Fldr and all its parents to FldrName as they are found
Do While True
Set FldrPrnt = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set FldrPrnt = Nothing ' Ensure value is Nothing if following statement fails
Set FldrPrnt = FldrCrnt.Parent
On Error GoTo 0
If FldrPrnt Is Nothing Then
' FldrCrnt has no parent
Exit Do
End If
ReDim Preserve FldrNamesRev(0 To UBound(FldrNamesRev) + 1)
FldrNamesRev(UBound(FldrNamesRev)) = FldrPrnt.Name
Set FldrCrnt = FldrPrnt
' Copy names to FldrNames in reverse sequence so they end up in the correct sequence
ReDim FldrNames(0 To UBound(FldrNamesRev))
InxFN = 0
For InxFnR = UBound(FldrNamesRev) To 0 Step -1
FldrNames(InxFN) = FldrNamesRev(InxFnR)
InxFN = InxFN + 1
GetFldrNames = FldrNames
End Function