If you are given a JSON string :
val str =
| "name" : "Jsony McJsonface",
| "age" : 18,
| "hobbies" : [ "Fishing", "Hunting", "Camping" ],
| "pet" : {
| "name" : "Doggy",
| "type" : "dog"
| }
You can parse it to get a JsValue, representing the JSON tree
val json = Json.parse(str)
And traverse the tree to lookup specific values :
(json \ "name").as[String] // "Jsony McJsonface"
to go to a specific key in a JSON object\\
to go to all occurences of a specific key in a JSON object, searching recursively in nested objects.apply(idx)
(i.e. (idx)
) to go to a index in an array.as[T]
to cast to a precise subtype.asOpt[T]
to attempt to cast to a precise subtype, returning None if it's the wrong type.validate[T]
to attempt to cast a JSON value to a precise subtype, returning a JsSuccess or a JsError(json \ "name").as[String] // "Jsony McJsonface"
(json \ "pet" \ "name").as[String] // "Doggy"
(json \\ "name").map(_.as[String]) // List("Jsony McJsonface", "Doggy")
(json \\ "type")(0).as[String] // "dog"
(json \ "wrongkey").as[String] // throws JsResultException
(json \ "age").as[Int] // 18
(json \ "hobbies").as[Seq[String]] // List("Fishing", "Hunting", "Camping")
(json \ "hobbies")(2).as[String] // "Camping"
(json \ "age").asOpt[String] // None
(json \ "age").validate[String] // JsError containing some error detail