Tutorial by Topics

Partial classes provides us an option to split classes into multiple parts and in multiple source files. All parts are combined into one single class during compile time. All parts should contain the keyword partial,should be of the same accessibility. All parts should be present in the same assembl...
stopWatch.Start() - Starts Stopwatch. stopWatch.Stop() - Stops Stopwatch. stopWatch.Elapsed - Gets the total elapsed time measured by the current interval. Stopwatches are often used in benchmarking programs to time code and see how optimal different segments of code take to run.
Dialogs were added in JavaFX 8 update 40.
Characters can be escaped in XML using entity references and character references, or CDATA sections. XML pre-defines five entities: Named entityReplacement textamp&quot"apos'lt<gt> Consuming applications will not know whether each character has been escaped or not, and how. ...
ParameterDetailsnullIf true, empty values may be stored as null in the databaseblankIf true, then the field will not be required in forms. If fields are left blank, Django will use the default field value.choicesAn iterable of 2-element iterables to be used as choices for this field. If set, field ...
This section provides an overview of what xquery is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within xquery, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for xquery is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
This topic is to cover the various media types and how they can be used with the canvas in 2D interface. Media types have generic and format specific categories Media types Animations Videos Images HD images Vector image Animated images Media formats Jpg/Jpeg Png Gif SVG M-JPEG...
//Using background-position background: url("sprite-image.png"); background-position: -20px 50px; //Background property shorthand background: url("sprite-image.png") -20px 50px; For some use cases, sprites are slowly falling out of favor, being replaced by icon webfo...
AnnotationDetails@IdMarks field/column as the key of the entity@BasicMarks requested field to mapped as a basic type. This is applicable to primitive types and their wrappers, String, Date and Calendar. The annotation is actually optional if no parameters are given, but good style would dictate to ...
This section provides an overview of what opencl is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within opencl, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for opencl is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
for /l %%p in (startNumber, increment, endNumber) do command for /f %%p in (filename) do command for /f %%p in ("textStrings") do command for /f %%p in ('command') do command for /r drive:\path %%p in (set) do command for /d %%p in (directory) do command The for command acce...

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