Tutorial by Topics

This method is used to check weather WI-Fi is connected or not. isNetworkAvailable() : To check if Internet available on device ParameterDetailContextA reference of Activity context If internet connected then method will return true or false.
newInstance : To create single instance of Facebook helper class. loginUser : To login user. signOut : To log out user. getCallbackManager : To get callback for Facebook. getLoginCallback : To get callback for Login. getKeyHash : To generate Facebook Key Hash. ParameterDetailsTAGA Strin...
Syntax for ARM templates is well documented: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-group-authoring-templates/
it should be mentioned that if the key value does not exist then this will raise KeyError, in those situations it maybe better to use merge or get which allows you to specify a default value if the key doesn't exist
PHP is an open source project, and as such, anyone is able to contribute to it. Broadly speaking, there are two ways to contribute to the PHP core: Bug fixing Feature additions Before contributing, however, it is important to understand how PHP versions are managed and released so that bug ...
Shows how a sqoop script could be used to import data from various datastores/databases.
db.collection.createIndex({ <string field> : <1|-1 order> [, <string field> : <1|-1 order>] }); Performance Impact: Note that indexes improve read performances, but can have bad impact on write performance, as inserting a document requires updating all indexes. ...
An API that allows you to control every aspect of Docker from within your own applications, build tools to manage and monitor applications running on Docker, and even use it to build apps on Docker itself.
PowerShell introduces an object pipelining model, which allows you to send whole objects down through the pipeline to consuming commandlets or (at least) the output. In contrast to classical string-based pipelining, information in piped objects don't have to be on specific positions. Commandlets can...
The most trivial data-structure, after a singular value, is the tuple. (A, B, C) // a three-tuple (a tuple with three elements), whose first element has type A, second type B, and third type C (A, B) // a two-tuple, whose two elements have type A and B respectively (A,) // a one-tuple (note the ...
XML Parsing is the interpretation of XML documents in order to manipulate their content using sensible constructs, be they "nodes", "attributes", "documents", "namespaces", or events related to these constructs. Java has a native API for XML document handli...

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