Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what azure-active-directory is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within azure-active-directory, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for azure-active-directory is new, you may need to c...
start(itr) next(itr, s) done(itr, s) take(itr, n) drop(itr, n) cycle(itr) Base.product(xs, ys) ParameterDetailsForAll FunctionsitrThe iterable to operate on.Fornext and donesAn iterator state describing the current position of the iteration.Fortake and dropnThe number of elements to ta...
immutable MyType; field; field; end type MyType; field; field; end Types are key to Julia's performance. An important idea for performance is type stability, which occurs when the type a function returns only depends on the types, not the values, of its arguments.
using JSON JSON.parse(str) JSON.json(obj) JSON.print(io, obj, indent) Since neither Julia Dict nor JSON objects are inherently ordered, it's best not to rely on the order of key-value pairs in a JSON object.
Installation You can install memcache using pecl pecl install memcache
Set IFS to newline: IFS=$'\n' Set IFS to nullstring: IFS= Set IFS to / character: IFS=/ ParameterDetailsIFSInternal field separator-xPrint commands and their arguments as they are executed (Shell option) Word splitting is not performed during assignments e.g newvar=$var Word splitting...
ParameterDetailsIFSInternal field separatorfileA file name/path-rPrevents backslash interpretation when used with read-tRemoves a trailing newline from each line read by readarray-d DELIMContinue until the first character of DELIM is read (with read), rather than newline
if [/i] StringToCompare1 == StringToCompare2 (commandA) else (commandB) if errorlevel 1 (commandA) else (commandB) if %errorlevel% == 1 (commandA) else (commandB) if exist Filename (commandA) else (commandB) if defined VariableName (commandA) else (commandB) There a...
This section provides an overview of what embedded-linux is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within embedded-linux, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for embedded-linux is new, you may need to create initial versions o...
This section provides an overview of what glsl is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within glsl, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for glsl is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. Op...
Celery is a task queue which can run background or scheduled jobs and integrates with Django pretty well. Celery requires something known as message broker to pass messages from invocation to the workers. This message broker can be redis, rabbitmq or even Django ORM/db although that is not a reco...
BufferedImage.getGraphics() always returns Graphics2D. Using a VolatileImage may significantly improve the speed of drawing operations, but also has its drawbacks: its contents may be lost at any moment and they may have to be redrawn from scratch.
scp /some/local/directory/file_name user_name@host_name:destination_file_path scp user_name@host_name:origin_file_path /some/local/directory

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