Tutorial by Topics

PowerShell modules bring extendibility to the systems administrator, DBA, and developer. Whether it’s simply as a method to share functions and scripts. Powershell Functions are to avoid repitetive codes. Refer [PS Functions][1] [1]: PowerShell Functions PowerShell Scripts are used for automating...
Activiti is an Open-Source enterprise Business Process Management (BPM) solution targeted at business people and developers. At its core is a high performance business process engine with the flexibility and scalability to handle a wide variety of critical processes. The modern BPM solution also p...
Although combinators have limited practical use, they are a useful tool in education to understand how programming is fundamentally linked to logic, and how very simple building blocks can combine to create very complex behaviour. In the context of Julia, learning how to create and use combinators...
Strings in D are immutable; use .dup to make a mutable char array if you want to edit in-place.
Examples work as of three.js R79 (revision 79).
Special Characters *?+[(){}^$|\./
Wikipedia definition of dependency injection is: In software engineering, dependency injection is a software design pattern that implements inversion of control for resolving dependencies. A dependency is an object that can be used (a service). An injection is the passing of a dependency to a dep...
Active record is an architectural pattern of modeling database objects. In this pattern classes match very closely the structure of underlying database.
collectgarbage(gcrule [, gcdata]) -- collect garbage using gcrule setmetatable(tab, {__mode = weakmode}) -- set weak mode of tab to weakmode parameterdetailsgcrule & gcdataAction to gc (garbage collector): "stop" (stop collecting), "restart" (start collecting again),...
This section provides an overview of what shopify is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within shopify, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for shopify is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
PARSENAME ( 'object_name' , object_piece ) 'object_name'object_pieceIs the name of the object for which to retrieve the specified object part. object_name is sysname. This parameter is an optionally-qualified object name. If all parts of the object name are qualified, this name can have four...

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