Tutorial by Topics

People new to Docker often don't realize that Docker filesystems are temporary by default. If you start up a Docker image you'll get a container that on the surface behaves much like a virtual machine. You can create, modify, and delete files. However, unlike a virtual machine, if you stop the con...
Though Node has many framework to help you getting your server up and running, mainly: Express: The most used framework Total: The ALL-IN-ONE UNITY framework, that have everything and do not depend on any other framework or module. But, there is always no one size fits all, so developer may nee...
func PlainAuth(identity, username, password, host string) Auth func SendMail(addr string, a Auth, from string, to []string, msg []byte) error
NB Emulating possessive quantifiers
ColumnColumn$driverDriver for DB, "Pg" for Postgresql and "mysql" for MySQL$databaseyour database name$useridyour database id$passwordyour database password$queryput your query here, ex: "select * from $your_table"
About: Dancer2 (the successor of Dancer) is a simple but powerful web application framework for Perl. It is inspired by Sinatra and written by Alexis Sukrieh. Key features: ••• Dead Simple - Intuitive, minimalist and very expressive syntax. ••• Flexible - PSGI support, plugins and modular design ...
Tk is one of the most commonly used GUI toolkits for Perl. Other common toolkits are GTK+2 & 3, WxWidgets, and Win32 widgets. Less commonly used are Qt4, XUL, Prima, and FLTK. Tk, GTK+3, Wx, Win32, Prima, FLTK, and XUL are actively updated. Qt4 and GTK+2 are no longer developed actively, but ...
For more information, visit the official documentation at http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals, where the 'Basic HTML Usage' example was derived from.

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