Tutorial by Topics

Monkey Patching is a way of modifying and extending classes in Ruby. Basically, you can modify already defined classes in Ruby, adding new methods and even modifying previously defined methods. Monkey patching is often used to change the behavior of existing ruby code, from gems for instance. For...
By default, Safari does not enforce HTML5 element validation. You need to override this manually using other means.
About: Nancy is a lightweight framework for building HTTP based services in .Net based off of the Sinatra framework that exists for Ruby. It is designed to allow for handling of several different types of HTTP Requests and provides a simple way to return a response with a small amount of code. ...
Oracle produces a variety of exceptions. You may be surprised how tedious it can be to have your code stop with some unclear message. To improve your PL/SQL code's ability to get fixed easily it is necessary to handle exceptions at the lowest level. Never hide an exception "under the carpet&quo...
opennlp SentenceDetector ./en-sent.bin < ./input.txt > output.txt Initialize SentenceDetectorME like this: SentenceDetectorME sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetectorME(model); Use ‘sentDetect’ method to get sentences like this: String sentences[] = sentenceDetector.sentDetect(&qu...
The Solrj client and the Java SDK are independent so you can update them individually. Always make sure you use the latest version of the Java SDK. See the GitHub release page for updates https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/java-sdk/releases
For more information, visit the official documentation located at http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/, where the component list is derived from.
It is recommended to use methods of the DateUtils class in order to format dates which are locale aware, i.e. which consider user preferences (e.g. 12h/24h clock time formats). These methods are most appropriate for dates that are displayed to the user. For fully customized date representations, ...
Further reading: The Installing grunt guide has detailed information about installing specific, production or in-development, versions of Grunt and grunt-cli. The Configuring Tasks guide has an in-depth explanation on how to configure tasks, targets, options and files inside the Gruntfile, alon...
ParameterDetailslong millisInFutureThe total duration the timer will run for, a.k.a how far in the future you want the timer to end. In milliseconds.long countDownIntervalThe interval at which you would like to receive timer updates. In milliseconds.long millisUntilFinishedA parameter provided in o...
This topic describes the two contexts in which RewriteRule can be used. In examples omitting RewriteEngine on, it is assumed this directive has occured before that example.

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