Tutorial by Topics

AnnotationPurpose@InheritanceSpecifies type of inheritance strategy used@DiscriminatorColumnSpecifies a column in database which will be used to identify different entities based on certain ID assigned to each entity@MappedSuperClassmapped super classes are not persistent and only used to hold stat...
The WriteToServer and WriteToServerAsync have overloads that accept IDataReader (seen in the examples), DataTable, and DataRow arrays (DataRow[]) as the source of the data for the Bulk Copy.
MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas. For more details go to https://www.mongodb.com/ MongoClient.connect('mongodb://',function (err,db) {/...
https://gielberkers.com/magento-2-why-use-rewrites-when-you-can-use-plugins/ http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.0/extension-dev-guide/plugins.html
parameterdescriptioncontrolThis is the control that is being validated. Typically you will want to see if control.value meets some criteria.
public static int Input.touchCount public static Touch Input.GetTouch(int index)
add_shortcode('your_short_code', 'your_function_name'); ParametersDiscription and usage$tag(string) (required) Shortcode tag to be searched in post content Default: None$func(callable) (required) Hook to run when shortcode is found Default: None IMPORTANT – Don’t use camelCase or UPPER-CAS...
register_sidebar( $args ) get_sidebar(string $name = null) ParameterDetails$args(string | array) (Optional) Builds sidebar based on the name and id vvalues$name*(string) (Optional) The name of the specialised sidebar. Default value: null Argument options are: name - Sidebar name (defau...
This build pipeline is not exactly what you would call "production ready" but it does give a solid start for you to add on to it the things that you need in order to get the development experience you're looking for. The approach that some people take (including myself at times) is to ta...

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