Tutorial by Topics

In C++, as in C, the C++ compiler and compilation process makes use of the C preprocessor. As specified by the GNU C Preprocessor manual, a header file is defined as the following: A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions (see Macros) to be shared between severa...
Template Names vs. Template IDs vs. Item Names in Queries: I strongly recommend that you use Template IDs and not Template Names or Item Names in your queries. This will ensure that your queries will still work, even when templates and/or items are renamed. The one exception to this is when work...
[assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] [CLSCompliant(true)] ConstructorParameterCLSCompliantAttribute(Boolean)Initializes an instance of the CLSCompliantAttribute class with a Boolean value indicating whether the indicated program element is CLS-compliant. The Common Language Specification (CLS) i...
Actionscript formerly developed by Macromedia Inc., which now have been acquired by Adobe Systems Inc. is a powerful object-oriented programming language based on ECMAScript. Initially created with very limited set of navigation controls like play(), stop(), gotoAndPlay() etc., usually used for 2D...
class ClassOne { public: bool non_modifying_member_function() const { /* ... */ } }; int ClassTwo::non_modifying_member_function() const { /* ... */ } void ClassTwo::modifying_member_function() { /* ... */ } char non_param_modding_func(const ClassOne& one, const ClassTwo* two) { /* ... */ }...
Replication is used to copy[Backup] data from one MySQL database server to one or more MySQL database servers. Master -- The MySQL database server, which is serving data to be copied Slave -- The MySQL database server, copies data which is served by Master With MySQL, replication is asynchron...
This would be very useful to the Vaadin and Maven community because there is no documentation
Governance "Governance" is the name given to NetSuite's system for detecting and halting long-running, runaway, or resource-intensive scripts. Each script type has governance limits that it cannot exceed, and there are four types of governance limits in place for each script type. ...
s is an instance of ^a you want to accept at compile-time, which can be anything that implements the members you actually call using the syntax. ^a is similar to generics which would be 'a (or 'A or 'T for example) but these are compile-time resolved, and allow for anything that fits all the requ...
This section provides an overview of what jqgrid is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within jqgrid, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for jqgrid is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Sometimes Quicksort is also known as Partition-Exchange sort. Auxiliary Space: O(n) Time complexity: worst O(n²), bestO(nlogn)

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