Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what slick is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within slick, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for slick is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Microsoft Bot Framework is a comprehensive offering to build and deploy high quality bots for your users to enjoy in their favorite conversation experiences. Developers writing bots all face the same problems: bots require basic I/O; they must have language and dialog skills; they must be performa...
This section provides an overview of what advanced-custom-fields is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within advanced-custom-fields, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for advanced-custom-fields is new, you may need to c...
For latest updates, please refer to: Feature Comparison
get_field($field_name, $post_id, $format_value); ParameterDetails$field_name(string) The name of the field you are requesting. When setting up your field group, this is the "Field Name" setting.$post_id(integer) This is the ID of the post that you are requesting the field name from...
fabric.js is a powerful and quite simple javascript library for HTML5 canvas. It provide a interactive platform to work with the HTML5 canvas. Using fabric you can create object/shapes on canvas from simple geometrical shapes to complex shapes. You can even work with images using fabric.js. fabric...
An atom in Clojure is a variable that can be changed throughout your program (namespace). Because most data types in Clojure are immutable (or unchangeable) - you can't change a number's value without redefining it - atoms are essential in Clojure programming.
This section provides an overview of what alamofire is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within alamofire, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for alamofire is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
see also Github sample project Android developer blogspot Android Developer site
the_field($field_name, $post_id); ParamenterDetails$field_namethe name of the field to be retrieved. eg “page_content” (required)$post_idSpecific post ID where your value was entered. Defaults to current post ID (not required). This can also be options / taxonomies / users / etc Use get_fi...
XCUIApplication() // Proxy for an application. The information identifying the application is specified in the Xcode target settings as the "Target Application". XCUIElement() // A user interface element in an application.
C# : Application.Current.Resources["yourColorKey"] Xaml : {ThemeResource yourColorKey} ParameterPurposeyourColorKeyA key you give to get a Color object back. It differs between C# and Xaml UWP allows you to take full control of the advantages of Windows 10. Some of these advanta...
The Parse hosted service will be retired on January 28, 2017. If you are planning to migrate an app, you need to begin work as soon as possible. RECOMMENDED TIMELINE April 28, 2016 Data migrated to a self-hosted MongoDB. July 28, 2016 Set up your self-hosted Parse Server. September 28, 2016 ...
acf_add_options_page( $args ); acf_add_options_sub_page( $page ); ParameterDetails$args(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default settings will be used.$page(mixed) A string for the page title, or an array of settings. If left blank, default setting...

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