Tutorial by Topics

Often times we have to create some components which perform some actions/operations on data and we require that in the parent component. Most of the times vuex would be a better solution, but in cases where the child component's behavior has nothing to do with application state, for instance: A rang...
In this topic I will overview spring boot package scanning. You can find some basic information in spring boot docs in the following link (using-boot-structuring-your-code) but I will try to provide more detailed information. Spring boot, and spring in general, provide a feature to automatically s...
NSObject is the root class of Cocoa, however the Objective-C language itself does not define any root classes at all its define by Cocoa, Apple's Framework.This root class of most Objective-C class hierarchies, from which subclasses inherit a basic interface to the runtime system and the ability to ...
Convert Map to List in java 8 using stream api
Not every css property or HTML tag is supported by all email clients and here we can keep track of it & possible work around.
It's worth noting that on declaring a reference type, its initial value will be null. This is because it does not yet point to a location in memory, and is a perfectly valid state. However, with the exception of nullable types, value types must typically always have a value.
Laravel provides a simple way to authorise user actions on specific resources. With Authorization, you can selectively allow users access to certain resources while denying access to others. Laravel provides a simple API for managing user authorizations by using Gates and Policies. Gates provide a s...
Intellij IDEA provides lots of code inspections, that can significantly simplify writing code. Inspections parameters can be found in Preferences | Editor | Inspections section. By default, IDEA has lots of them enabled. And lots of inspections support auto-fixing options, that can be seen on press...
How to configure your EF model to support entity splitting or table splitting.
Project json is a project configuration file structure, temporarily used by asp.net-core projects, before Microsoft moved back to the csproj files in favor of msbuild.
Dplyr and many modern libraries in R use non-standard evaluation (NSE) for interactive programming and standard evaluation (SE) for programming1. For instance, the summarise() function use non-standard evaluation but relies on the summarise_() which uses standard evaluation. The lazyeval library m...
Data types are nothing but variable you used to reserve some space in memory. Python variables do not need an explicit declaration to reserve memory space. The declaration happens automatically when you assign a value to a variable.
Like most OCaml values, records are immutable by default. However, since OCaml also handles imperative programming, it provides a way to make individual fields mutable. Mutable fields can be modified in-place by assignment, rather than having to resort to usual functional techniques, such as functio...
Backing up a remote Redis instance can be achieved with replication. This is useful if you want to take a snapshot of a dataset prior to upgrading, deleting or changing a Redis database.
It's useful to have a T-SQL script for creating and configuring a new database and user for Alfresco Installation purposes. It's boring and time-consuming to jump around many pages on MSDN. I provide the script hereafter: Guidelines for preparing Alfresco Instalation to a SQLServer database,...
Security practices in Java can be separated into two broad, vaguely defined categories; Java platform security, and secure Java programming. Java platform security practices deal with managing the security and integrity of the JVM. It includes such topics as managing JCE providers and security poli...

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