Tutorial by Topics

Redux is a JavaScript library that implements state container of the Flux-based architecture. Redux can be described in three fundamental principles: Single source of truth (Single store) State is read only (need actions to signal change) Changes are made with pure functions (This creates ne...
wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer) ParameterDetails$handle(string) (Required) Name of the script. Should be unique.$src(string) (Optional) Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory. Default value: false$deps(array) (Optiona...
factor(x = character(), levels, labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = is.ordered(x), nmax = NA) Run ?factor or see the documentation online. An object with class factor is a vector with a particular set of characteristics. It is stored internally as an integer vector. It maintains a...
The DELETE statement is used to delete records from a table. DELETE FROM TableName [WHERE Condition] [LIMIT count]
Functions and subroutines, in conjunction with modules, are the tools to break down a program into units. This makes the program more readable and manageable. Each one of these units can be thought of as part of the code that, ideally, could be compiled and tested in isolation. The main program(s...
We all know them, but these practices are far less obvious to someone starting to program in VBA.
A pointer is a type of variable which can store the address of another object or a function. <Data type> *<Variable name>; int *ptrToInt; void *ptrToVoid; /* C89+ */ struct someStruct *ptrToStruct; int **ptrToPtrToInt; int arr[length]; int *ptrToFirstElem = arr; /* For <C99...
Bluemix is a platform as a service (PaaS) developed by IBM, to build, run, deploy, and manage applications on the cloud. Bluemix offers a large catalog of services to integrate with your applications. Supported programming languages and runtimes include Java, Node.js, Swift, Go, PHP, Python, and R...
Conditional expressions, involving keywords such as if, elif, and else, provide Python programs with the ability to perform different actions depending on a boolean condition: True or False. This section covers the use of Python conditionals, boolean logic, and ternary statements. <expressi...
Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK allows developers to extend the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product, add new functionalities and meet requirements. The SDK allows you to operate and communicate with the platform programmatically through web service messages, as well as to add custom code components like pl...
HTTP for Humans Requests is the only Non-GMO HTTP library for Python, safe for human consumption. Requests allows you to send organic, grass-fed HTTP/1.1 requests, without the need for manual labor. There's no need to manually add query strings to your URLs, or to form-encode your POST data. K...
$response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args ); $response = wp_remote_post( $url, $args ); $response = wp_safe_remote_post( $url, $args ); ParameterDetails$url(string) (Required) Site URL to retrieve.$args(array) (Optional) Request arguments. Returns (WP_Error | array) The response as an ar...
Structures provide a way to group a set of related variables of diverse types into a single unit of memory. The structure as a whole can be referenced by a single name or pointer; the structure members can be accessed individually too. Structures can be passed to functions and returned from function...
String functions perform operations on string values and return either numeric or string values. Using string functions, you can, for example, combine data, extract a substring, compare strings, or convert a string to all uppercase or lowercase characters. CONCAT ( string_value1, string_value...
NGINX is pronounced like "engine x" and is commonly used as a high performance server for protocols HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP. It can be used as a reverse proxy server, HTTP cache or load balancing. It is an open source project with source available here. VersionOriginal rele...
This section provides an overview of what Azure Service Bus is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within Azure Service Bus, and link out to the related topics. Since the documentation for Azure Service Bus is new, you may need to create initial ve...
This topic covers matching string patterns, as well as extracting or replacing them. For details on defining complicated patterns see Regular Expressions. grep("query", "subject", optional_args) grepl("query", "subject", optional_args) gsub(&...

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