Tutorial by Topics

A useful technique for Exchange Server administrators is to be able to send email messages via SMTP from PowerShell. Depending on the version of PowerShell installed on your computer or server, there are multiple ways to send emails via powershell. There is a native cmdlet option that is simple and ...
Akka is an open-source toolkit and runtime simplifying the construction of concurrent and distributed applications on the JVM. It implements the actor model known from Erlang. It should also mention any large subjects within akka, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for...
Sound.play(startTime:Number = 0, loops:int = 0, sndTransform:flash.media:SoundTransform = null):SoundChannel // Plays a loaded sound, returns a SoundChannel
This section provides an overview of what sass is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within sass, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for sass is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. Why S...
GitLab is a web-based version control software based on git and adds additional features such as branch management bug tracking and continuous integration. It is developed in Ruby. GitLab Community Edition (CE) is being developed open-source and uses the MIT-License. Since August 2013 GitLab Inc....
class MyClass{} // curly braces are optional here as class body is empty class MyClassWithMethod {def method: MyClass = ???} new MyClass() //Instantiate object MyObject // Singleton object class MyClassWithGenericParameters[V1, V2](vl: V1, i: Int, v2: V2) class MyClassWithImplicitFieldCreati...
Note: In Python 2, make sure that your class inherits from object (making it a new-style class) in order for all features of properties to be available.
-- defining a function with no arguments looks the same as simply defining a value language = "Elm" -- calling a function with no arguments by stating its name language -- parameters are separated by spaces and follow the function's name add x y = x + y -- call a function in the s...
This covers Ruby only, which is the main SASS compiler for many systems but other options exist. A very common one for any node developer would be node-sass which could be easier, and orders of magnitude faster, for many users.
(do ({var | (var [init-form [step-form]])}*) (end-test-form result-form*) declaration* {tag | statement}*) (do* ({var | (var [init-form [step-form]])}*) (end-test-form result-form*) declaration* {tag | statement}*) (dolist (var list-form [result-form]) declaration* {tag | statement}*) (dotimes ...
Mockito is a java Mocking framework that aims at providing the ability to write clean an readable unit tests by using it's simple API. It differs from other mocking frameworks by leaving the expect-run-verify pattern that most other frameworks use. Instead it only knows one way to mock (non-final...
window.onerror = function (eventOrMessage, url, lineNumber, colNumber, error) { ... } ParameterDetailseventOrMessageSome browsers will call the event handler with just one argument, an Event object. However, other browsers, especially the older ones and older mobile ones will supply a String...
Comment Blocks If you need to comment or uncomment several lines at once, you can use the IDE's Edit Toolbar buttons: Comment Block - Adds a single apostrophe to the start of all selected lines Uncomment Block - Removes the first apostrophe from the start of all selected lines Mult...
The random module of NumPy provides convenient methods for generating random data having the desired shape and distribution. Here's the official documentation.
npm is the default package manager for Node.js. It is written entirely in JavaScript, and allows to install and distribute mostly JavaScript modules on the registry. Packages are treated in the CommonJS format, and are recognizable by the presence of a package.json file. VersionRelease Datev4....

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