Tutorial by Topics: agent

Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform written in PHP; a highly customizable e-commerce platform and content management system that can be used to build online stores for selling merchandise. It provides common e-commerce features, such as shopping carts and inventory management, and encou...
$this->getSkinUrl('images/my-image.jpg'); images pathdetailsexample: 'images/my-images.jpg'path for image Get formatted images url and avoid theme dependences.
Magento 2 is an open-source e-commerce platform designed to facilitate the common shopping cart structure for webpages. Compared to earlier versions of Magento, the 2.0 version is more streamlined and performant - eliminating problems with table locking and improving on the checkout system for gue...
Error Log Locations /var/log/ Typically the system.log and exception.log file will exist in the /var/log/ folder. These contain most of the information you will need. You can check to see if these are enabled and what the names of the exception and system log are by going to System > Conf...
All the commands can be executed writting only part of them. For example: php bin/magento cache:flush can be traslated to: php bin/magento c:f php bin/magento ca:f php bin/magento c:fl php bin/magento cache:f php bin/magento c:flush etc. You can write any part, and if it is not...
puppet agent [--certname NAME] [-D|--daemonize|--no-daemonize] [-d|--debug] [--detailed-exitcodes] [--digest DIGEST] [--disable [MESSAGE]] [--enable] [--fingerprint] [-h|--help] [-l|--logdest syslog|eventlog|FILE|console] [--masterport PORT] [--noop] [-o|--onetime] [-t|--test] [-v|--verbose] [...
Reagent is a library that implements elements of React.js into ClojureScript, like the creations of custom "tags", which is implemented in Reagent through functions.
This section provides an overview of what magento-1.9 is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within magento-1.9, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for magento-1.9 is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...

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