Tutorial by Topics: alter

ALTER command in SQL is used to modify column/constraint in a table ALTER TABLE [table_name] ADD [column_name] [datatype]
structure: /* code */ endstructure; When mixing the alternative structure for switch with HTML, it is important to not have any whitespace between the initial switch($condition): and first case $value:. Doing this is attempting to echo something (whitespace) before a case. All control stru...
ALTER [IGNORE] TABLE tbl_name [alter_specification [, alter_specification] ...] [partition_options] alter_specification: table_options | ADD [COLUMN] col_name column_definition [FIRST | AFTER col_name ] | ADD [COLUMN] (col_name column_definition,...) | ADD {INDEX|KE...
This topic about Java collections from guava, apache, eclipse: Multiset, Bag, Multimap, utils function from this lib and so on.
There is NO switch statement in python as a language design choice. There has been a PEP (PEP-3103) covering the topic that has been rejected. You can find many list of recipes on how to do your own switch statements in python, and here I'm trying to suggest the most sensible options. Here are a ...
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'callback_function_name' ); function callback_function_name( $query ) {} // for PHP 5.3.0 or above add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( $query ){} ); ParameterDetails$query(WP_Query) Loop object If you are using PHP 5.3.0 or above, you can use closures (an...
The much beloved ALTER statement. Changes the target of a GO TO paragraph. No longer part of the COBOL standard, still supported by many compilers for reasons of backward compatibility. (The syntax diagram is dimmed to show that this is no longer standard COBOL).
External Term Format is a binary format used to communicate to outside world. You can use it with any language through ports, drivers or NIF. BERT (Binary ERlang Term) can be used in other languages.

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