Tutorial by Topics: am

The basic idea behind dynamic programming is breaking a complex problem down to several small and simple problems that are repeated. If you can identify a simple subproblem that is repeatedly calculated, odds are there is a dynamic programming approach to the problem. As this topic is titled Applic...
As AppDynamics aims to provide a way to measure application performance, speed of development, delivery (deployment) of applications is an essential factor in making DevOps efforts a true success. Monitoring a TIBCO BW application with AppD is generally simple and not time consuming but when deploy...
The point of this wiki is to show you how to execute integration tests using Apache Camel. More precisely, doing this you will be able to launch an existing route from beginning to end (With or without your real database) or intercept the exchange between each part of the route and test if your hea...
If you are having issues with your Shiny apps, it is good practice to create an app that illustrates your point. This app should be as simple as possible while still reflecting your problem. This means using simple datasets, self-explanatory naming (especially for I/O IDs) and replacing plots with s...
Robot framework is widely used in Automation testing of Embedded products. We are going to take an Embedded product as an example and see how to automate the test cases using Robot Framework. Abbreviation: RPS - Remote power supply RF - Robot frame work
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Manipulators are special helper functions that help controlling input and output streams using operator >> or operator <<. They all can be included by #include <iomanip>. Manipulators can be used in other way. For example: os.width(n); equals to os << std::setw(n)...
Creating a poster using beamerposter package is very similar to creating a single frame. Put the content in columns. Within each column, separate the content using blocks.
A code block is a piece of Python program text that can be executed as a unit, such as a module, a class definition or a function body. Some code blocks (like modules) are normally executed only once, others (like function bodies) may be executed many times. Code blocks may textually contain other c...
NUI : A natural user interface (NUI) is a system for human-computer interaction that the user operates through intuitive actions related to natural, everyday human behavior. Kivy is a Python library for development of multi-touch enabled media rich applications which can be installed on different d...
This topic covers how to do a dynamic pivot in SQL Server.
Here is some of different ways to provide alias names to columns in Sql Server
Aggregation is one of the most common uses for R. There are several ways to do so in R, which we will illustrate here.
A number of features of program objects can be fetched through the program API.
How to correctly use the named annotation in Kotlin v1.1
This topic is meant to be a memento about the R language without any text, with self-explanatory examples. Each example is meant to be as succint as possible.
The objective of this topic is to create simple examples of several ways data can be shared between components via data binding and shared service. There are always many of ways of accomplishing one task in programming. Please feel free to edit current examples or add some of your own.
In Xamarin.Android the BluetoothSocket.InputStream and BluetoothSocket.OutputStream properties are by design automatically converted to System.IO.Stream. In case of so called interactive communication protocol, when server responds only when client talks to it, System.IO.Stream is not good because ...

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