Tutorial by Topics: as

Firebase is a mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps. Features Firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Auth, Realtime Database, Firebase Storage, Firebase Hosting, Firebase Test Lab for Android, Firebase Crash Reporting. ...
The best complete wiki is available here in github.
The Flash concept is taken from Ruby on Rails and provides a way to pass temporary objects between the user views generated by the faces lifecycle. As in Rails, anything one places in the flash will be exposed to the next view encountered by the same user session and then cleared out. It is import...
Shows how a sqoop script could be used to import data from various datastores/databases.
When WPF application launched, it could take a while for a current language runtime (CLR) to initialize .NET Framework. As a result, first application window can appear some time after application was launched, depending of application complexity. Splash screen in WPF allows application to show eit...
Each callback must be written with this syntax: function callback(err, result [, arg1[, ...]]) This way, you are forced to return the error first, and can't ignore handling them later on. null is the convention in absence of errors callback(null, myResult); Your callbacks ca...
MSSQL Syntax: DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] { database_name | database_snapshot_name } [ ,...n ] [;] MySQL Syntax: DROP {DATABASE | SCHEMA} [IF EXISTS] db_name DROP DATABASE is used for dropping a database from SQL. Be sure to create a backup of your database before dropping it to prevent ...
This topic aims to show the basic web driver program in selenium supported languages like C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. Journey includes opening browser driver --> Google Page --> shutdown the browser
This FireDAC example, and the others I'm planning to submit, will avoid the use of native calls to asynchronously open the dataset.

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