Tutorial by Topics: assert

assert expression1; assert expression1 : expression2; ParameterDetailsexpression1The assertion statement throws an AssertionError if this expression evaluates to false.expression2Optional. When used, AssertionErrors thrown by the assert statement have this message. By default, assertions ...
An assertion is a predicate that the presented condition must be true at the moment the assertion is encountered by the software. Most common are simple assertions, which are validated at execution time. However, static assertions are checked at compile time. assert(expression) static_assert(...
Assert.ArgumentCondition(bool condition, string argumentName, string message) Assert.ArgumentNotNull(object argument, string argumentName) Assert.ArgumentNotNull(object argument, Func<string> getArgumentName) Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(ID argument, string argumentName) Assert.Argument...
NUnit's Assert.That() form supports the use of constraints as its second parameter. All constraints provided out of the box by NUnit are available through the static classes Is, Has and Does. Constraints can be combined into fluent expressions using the built in methods And, Or and With. Expressio...
static_assert( bool_constexpr, message ) static_assert( bool_constexpr ) /* Since C++17 */ ParameterDetailsbool_constexprExpression to checkmessageMessage to print when bool_constexpr is false Unlike runtime assertions, static assertions are checked at compile-time and are also enforced w...

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