Tutorial by Topics: at

Twitch Chat is a simple IRC chat. For any serious development, there are multiple documents for it, including the most comprehensive and general ressource: http://ircdocs.horse/ Connection, Handshake IRC is a basic, plaintext based TCP protocol. Connecting to Twitch works just like any regular...
serialize($object) unserialize($object) All PHP types except for resources are serializable. Resources are a unique variable type that reference "external" sources, such as database connections.
Should we include the non-documented ffill and bfill?
The Pandas datareader is a sub package that allows one to create a dataframe from various internet datasources, currently including: Yahoo! Finance Google Finance St.Louis FED (FRED) Kenneth French’s data library World Bank Google Analytics For more information, see here.
A very common question when working with Angular is how to share data between controllers. Using a service is the most frequent response and this is a simple example demonstrating a factory pattern to share any type of data object between two or more controllers. Because it is a shared object refe...
C# 7.0 is the seventh version of C#. This version contains some new features: language support for Tuples, local functions, out var declarations, digit separators, binary literals, pattern matching, throw expressions, ref return and ref local and extended expression bodied members list. Official re...
There will come a time where your CakePHP application will need to query more than one database. The method for requesting Models from non-default databases is not present in the official documentation.
Let's clear up some misconceptions that beginners might make. You may have encountered functions such as: max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a max m n | m >= n = m | otherwise = n Beginners will typically view max :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a as function that takes t...
We can add validations to our application by adding Data Annotations to our model classes. Data Annotations allow us to describe the rules we want applied to our model properties, and ASP.NET MVC will take care of enforcing them and displaying appropriate messages to users.
DataFrame.merge(right, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None, left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=False, suffixes=('_x', '_y'), copy=True, indicator=False) Merge DataFrame objects by performing a database-style join operation by columns or indexes. If joining columns ...
Random() Random(int Seed) int Next() int Next(int maxValue) int Next(int minValue, int maxValue) ParametersDetailsSeedA value for generating random numbers. If not set, the default value is determined by the current system time.minValueGenerated numbers won't be smal...

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