Tutorial by Topics: at

In case running cordova run android fails. Make sure that your Android device is connected to your computer and run adb devices to make sure the Android Development Tools (ADT) can detect your device.
Paths are the most flexible element of SVG. A path is a series of cubic or quadratic Bezier curves, arranged in connected splines. A path may be open or closed into a loop, or it may be complex with several sub-components. If a path is not simple, the fill rule is important in deciding which areas a...
If you do not want your code to break when no implementation is found, check the DependencyService first if it has a implementation available. You can do this by a simple check if it is not null. var speaker = DependencyService.Get<ITextToSpeech>(); if (speaker != null) { speaker....
Java allows the retrieval of file-based resources stored inside of a JAR alongside compiled classes. This topic focuses on loading those resources and making them available to your code. A resource is file-like data with a path-like name, which resides in the classpath. The most common use of...
Blaze is a powerful library for creating user interfaces by writing dynamic, reactive HTML templates. Blaze templating allows for loops and conditional logic to be used directly in HTML markup. This section explains and demonstrates the proper usage of templating in Meteor.js with Blaze.
CREATE FUNCTION function_name ( [list_of_paramenters] ) RETURNS return_data_type AS BEGIN function_body RETURN scalar_expression END ArgumentDescriptionfunction_namethe name of functionlist_of_paramentersparameters that function acceptsreturn_data_typetype that function returs. Some SQL...
[[local] mt = ]getmetatable(t) --> retrieve associated metatable for 't' [[local] t = ]setmetatable(t, mt) --> set the metatable for 't' to 'mt' and returns 't' ParameterDetailstVariable referring to a lua table; can also be a table literal.mtTable to use as a metatable; can have ze...
string serialize ( mixed $value ) ParameterDetailsvalueThe value to be serialized. serialize() handles all types, except the resource-type. You can even serialize() arrays that contain references to itself. Circular references inside the array/object you are serializing will also be stored. ...
ymd_hms(..., quiet = FALSE, tz = "UTC", locale = Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")) now(tzone = "") interval(start, end, tzone = attr(start, "tzone")) duration(num = NULL, units = "seconds", ...) period(num = NULL, units = "second", ...) ...
Selenium Grid is a framework to run test distributed over a range of test devices. It's used for testing web applications. Its possible to write tests in different popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. The tests can be run against a range of webbrowse...
The navigation on Xamarin.Forms is based on two principal navigation patterns: hierarchical and modal. The hierarchical pattern allows the user to move down in a stack of pages and return pressing the "back"/"up" button. The modal pattern is a interruption page that require a...

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