Tutorial by Topics: atom

std::atomic<T> std::atomic_flag std::atomic allows atomic access to a TriviallyCopyable type, it is implementation-dependent if this is done via atomic operations or by using locks. The only guaranteed lock-free atomic type is std::atomic_flag.
#ifdef __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ # error this implementation needs atomics #endif #include <stdatomic.h> unsigned _Atomic counter = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0); Atomics as part of the C language are an optional feature that is available since C11. Their purpose is to ensure race-free access to ...
Java Atomic Types are simple mutable types that provide basic operations that are thread-safe and atomic without resorting to locking. They are intended for use in cases where locking would be a concurrency bottleneck, or where there is risk of deadlock or livelock. ParameterDescriptionsetVola...
int atomic_add ( volatile __global int *p , int val) unsigned int atomic_add ( volatile __global unsigned int *p , unsigned int val) int atomic_add ( volatile __local int *p , int val) unsigned int atomic_add ( volatile __local unsigned int *p ,unsigned int val) ...
An atom in Clojure is a variable that can be changed throughout your program (namespace). Because most data types in Clojure are immutable (or unchangeable) - you can't change a number's value without redefining it - atoms are essential in Clojure programming.
After installing go (http://www.riptutorial.com/go/topic/198/getting-started-with-go ) you'll need an environment. An efficient and free way to get you started is using Atom text editor (https://atom.io ) and gulp. A question that maybe crossed your mind is why use gulp?.We need gulp for auto-compl...
This section provides an overview of what atom-editor is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within atom-editor, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for atom-editor is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
Note, the icons used at the end of the Opening Files and Directories example are not part of Atom's standard styling, but are the result of the file-icons styling package.
Regular non-capturing groups allow the engine to re-enter the group and attempt to match something different (such as a different alternation, or match fewer characters when a quantifier is used). Atomic groups differ from regular non-capturing groups in that backtracking is forbidden. Once the gro...

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