Tutorial by Topics: ble

AttributeDescriptionname(Required) Name of the parameter/variable.default(Optional) Value to set parameter to if it does not exist.max(Optional) The maximum valid value; used only for range validation.min(Optional) The minimum valid value; used only for range validation.pattern(Optional) A JavaScri...
LOCK TABLES table_name [READ | WRITE]; // Lock Table UNLOCK TABLES; // Unlock Tables Locking is used to solve concurrency problems.Locking is required only when running a transaction, that first read a value from a database and later write that value in to the database. Locks are n...
User defined table types (UDT for short) are data types that allows the user to define a table structure. User defined table types supports primary keys, unique constraints and default values. UDTs have following restrictions - can not be used as a column in a table or a field in a structure...
Table valued parameters (TVP for short) are parameters passed to a stored procedure or function that contains data that is table structured. Using table valued parameters requires creating a user defined table type for the parameter being used. Tabled valued parameters are readonly parameters. ...
SQL Server 2016 introduces support for system-versioned temporal tables as a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point in time rather than only the data that is correct at the current moment in time. A system-versioned temp...
Temporary Tables are really very helpful. The table can be created at runtime and can do all operations which are done in a normal table. These tables are created in a tempdb database. Used when ? We have to do complex join operation. We do large number of row manipulation in stored p...
Automatic Variables are created and maintained by Windows PowerShell. One has the ability to call a variable just about any name in the book; The only exceptions to this are the variables that are already being managed by PowerShell. These variables, without a doubt, will be the most repetitious obj...
start(itr) next(itr, s) done(itr, s) take(itr, n) drop(itr, n) cycle(itr) Base.product(xs, ys) ParameterDetailsForAll FunctionsitrThe iterable to operate on.Fornext and donesAn iterator state describing the current position of the iteration.Fortake and dropnThe number of elements to ta...
ParameterDetailsIFSInternal field separatorfileA file name/path-rPrevents backslash interpretation when used with read-tRemoves a trailing newline from each line read by readarray-d DELIMContinue until the first character of DELIM is read (with read), rather than newline
Add path : PATH=$PATH:/new/path Add path : PATH=/new/path:$PATH ParameterDetailsPATHPath environment variable Bash configuration file: This file is sourced whenever a new interactive Bash shell is started. In GNU/Linux systems it's generally the ~/.bashrc file; in Mac it's ~/.bash_profi...
Specialized packages RMySQL RODBC

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