Tutorial by Topics: co

This section provides an overview of what parse.com is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within parse.com, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for parse.com is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
For more information on this topic, see the WWDC 2015 talk Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift. There is also a great written guide on the same: Introducing Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift 2.
Selenium Grid is a framework to run test distributed over a range of test devices. It's used for testing web applications. Its possible to write tests in different popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby. The tests can be run against a range of webbrowse...
Explicit Conversion (aka "Casting"): (type) expression "Explicit conversion" is also commonly referred to as "casting".
At its core, Python's garbage collector (as of 3.5) is a simple reference counting implementation. Every time you make a reference to an object (for example, a = myobject) the reference count on that object (myobject) is incremented. Every time a reference gets removed, the reference count is dec...
Usage: rails generate GENERATOR_NAME [args] [options]. Use rails generate to list available generators. Alias: rails g. ParameterDetails-h/--helpGet help on any generator command-p/--pretendPretend Mode: Run generator but will not create or change any filesfield:type'field-name' is the name of...
methoddetailsSoftwareSerial.hDocumentationSoftwareSerial(rxPin, txPin, inverse_logic)Constructor. rxPin: Data in (receive) pin, defaults to 0. txPin: Data out (transmit) pin, defaults to 1. inverse_logic: If true, treats LOW as if it were HIGH and HIGH as LOW when determining bit values. defaults t...
Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX requests to another domain. This restriction is called the same-origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from reading sensitive data from another site. However, sometimes you might want to let other sites make cross-origin requests to your ...
The core.match library implements a pattern match compilation algorithm that uses the notion of "necessity" from lazy pattern matching.
counter-set: [ <counter-name> <integer>? ]+ | none counter-reset: [ <counter-name> <integer>? ]+ | none counter-increment: [ <counter-name> <integer>? ]+ | none counter(<counter-name> [, <counter-style> ]?) counters(<counter-...
In HTTP, status codes are a machine-readable mechanism indicating the result of a previously issued request. From RFC 7231, sec. 6: "The status-code element is a three-digit integer code giving the result of the attempt to understand and satisfy the request." The formal grammar allows cod...

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