Tutorial by Topics: comma

These examples introduce the most used commands of Perl to manipulate Excel via Win32::OLE module. $Sheet->Range(Cell1,[Cell2]) #Select a cell or a range of cells $Sheet->Cells(rowIndex, columnIndex) #Select a cell by index of row and column ParametersDetailsCell1 (required)The na...
curl -X<VERB> '<PROTOCOL>://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>?<QUERY_STRING>' -d '<BODY>' Where: VERB: The appropriate HTTP method or verb: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, or DELETE PROTOCOL: Either http or https (if you have an https proxy in front of Elasticse...
The sqlite3 command-line shell implements an additional set of commands (which are not available in programs that use the SQLite library). Official documentation: Special commands to sqlite3
Hadoop v1 commands: hadoop fs -<command> Hadoop v2 commands: hdfs dfs -<command>
This section provides an overview of what command-line is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within command-line, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for command-line is new, you may need to create initial versions of thos...
public static void main(String[] args) ParameterDetailsargsThe command line arguments. Assuming that the main method is invoked by the Java launcher, args will be non-null, and will have no null elements. When a regular Java application is launched using the java command (or equivalent), ...
The go command is a command-line program that allows for the management of Go development. It enables building, running, and testing code, as well as a variety of other Go-related tasks.
Surround autocmd commands autocmd is an additive command, and you probably don't want this behaviour by default. For example, if you re-source your .vimrc a few times while editing it, vim can slow down. Here's proof: :autocmd BufWritePost * if &diff | diffupdate | endif " update diff...
xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...] [-destination-timeout value] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] OptionDescription-projectBuild the p...
Common Options--c --createCreate a new archive.-x --extractExtract files from an archive.-t --listList the contents of an archive.-f --file=ARCHIVEUse archive file or dir ARCHIVE.-v --verboseVerbosely list files processed.Compression Options--a --auto-compressUse archive suffix to determine the com...
Xcopy, copies files and directories, including subdirectories. ParameterDetails/hCopies files with hidden and system file attributes. By default, xcopy does not copy hidden or system files./rCopies read-only files./sCopies directories and subdirectories, unless they are empty. If you omit /s, xcopy...
All the commands can be executed writting only part of them. For example: php bin/magento cache:flush can be traslated to: php bin/magento c:f php bin/magento ca:f php bin/magento c:fl php bin/magento cache:f php bin/magento c:flush etc. You can write any part, and if it is not...

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