Tutorial by Topics: dex

One of MEF's big advantages over other technologies that support the inversion-of-control pattern is that it supports resolving dependencies that are not known at design-time, without needing much (if any) configuration. All examples require a reference to the System.ComponentModel.Composition as...
Objects of type Throwable and its subtypes can be sent up the stack with the throw keyword and caught with try…catch statements. void someMethod() throws SomeException { } //method declaration, forces method callers to catch if SomeException is a checked exception type try { someMethod();...
obj[start:stop:step] slice(stop) slice(start, stop[, step]) ParamerDescriptionobjThe object that you want to extract a "sub-object" fromstartThe index of obj that you want the sub-object to start from (keep in mind that Python is zero-indexed, meaning that the first item of obj h...
Indexes are a data structure that contains pointers to the contents of a table arranged in a specific order, to help the database optimize queries. They are similar to the index of book, where the pages (rows of the table) are indexed by their page number. Several types of indexes exist, and can be...
public ReturnType this[IndexType index] { get { ... } set { ... }} Indexer allows array-like syntax to access a property of an object with an index. Can be used on a class, struct or interface. Can be overloaded. Can use multiple parameters. Can be used to access and set values. Ca...
-- Create simple index CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name1 [, column_name2, ...]) -- Create unique index CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name1 [, column_name2, ...] -- Drop index DROP INDEX index_name ON tbl_name [algorithm_option | lock_option] ....
DEX means Android app's (APK) executable bytecode files in the form of Dalvik Executable (DEX) files, which contain the compiled code used to run your app. The Dalvik Executable specification limits the total number of methods that can be referenced within a single DEX file to 65,536 (64K)—includin...
Various examples showing how Tensorflow supports indexing into tensors, highlighting differences and similarities to numpy-like indexing where possible.
Explicit Conversion (aka "Casting"): (type) expression "Explicit conversion" is also commonly referred to as "casting".
ValueMeaningnegativeelement will be focusable, but it should not be reachable via sequential keyboard navigation0element will be focusable and reachable through keyboard sequential navigation, but it's relative order is defined by the platform conventionpositiveelement must be focusable and accessi...
Fold Expressions are supported for the following operators             +-*/%\ˆ&|<<>>+=-=*=/=%=\ˆ=&=|=<<=>>====!=<><=>=&&||,.*->* When folding over an empty sequence, a fold expression is ill-formed, except for the following three operators: ...
To run any of these examples just call them like that: static void Main() { new Program().ProcessDataAsync(); Console.ReadLine(); }
db.collection.createIndex({ <string field> : <1|-1 order> [, <string field> : <1|-1 order>] }); Performance Impact: Note that indexes improve read performances, but can have bad impact on write performance, as inserting a document requires updating all indexes. ...
Transactions Transactions need to be used immediately after they're created. If they aren't used in the current event loop (basically before we wait for anything like a web request) they'll go into an inactive state where you can't use them. Databases can only have one transaction that writes ...

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