Tutorial by Topics: di

Programs written in C++ need to be compiled before they can be run. There is a large variety of compilers available depending on your operating system. Most operating systems ship without a compiler, and they have to be installed later. Some common compilers choices are: GCC, the GNU Compil...
Important point to note while using condition The condition class is referred as direct class (not as spring bean) so it can't use the @Value property injection i.e. no other spring beans can be injected within it. From java docs - Conditions must follow the same restrictions as BeanFactoryPos...
This documentation page gives access to instructions for installing java standard edition on Windows, Linux, and macOS computers.
Mixin with Guards .mixin-name(<arguments>) when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>) CSS Guards <selector> when <is-negation> (<ref-variable> <operator> <value>) ParameterDetailsargumentsThe variables that are passed...
FormatInterpreted as%%literal percent sign (%)%Aweekday name (e.g. Sunday)%aweekday name in short fomat (e.g. Sun)%Bfull month name (e.g. January)%bmonth name (e.g. Jan)%Hhour (00..23)%Ihour (01..12)%jday of year (001..366)%khour ( 0..23)%lhour ( 1..12)%Mminute (00..59)%mmonth (01..12)%pDefine AM o...
This section provides an overview of what outlook-addin is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within outlook-addin, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for outlook-addin is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...
Twig already has some built-in filters and functions, but what if the built-in features are lacking or you have to access some default PHP functions in a template
Visual Studio 2013 is an IDE(Integrated Development Enviroment) exclusive to Microsoft Windows.It is used to develop applications for Windows as well as websites,web services and web apps.Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presen...
<object property="{x:Bind}" .../> <object property="{x:Bind propertyPath}" .../> <object property="{x:Bind Path=propertyPath}" .../> <object property="{x:Bind [bindingProperties]}" .../> <object property=&quot...
The key and indices of a data.table allow certain computations to run faster, mostly related to joins and subsetting. The key describes the table's current sort order; while each index stores information about the order of the table with respect a sequence of columns. See the "Remarks&quo...
A media service account is a Azure based account which gives you access to cloud based media services in Azure. Stores metadata of the media files you create, instead saving the actual media content. To work with media service account, you must have an associated storage account. While creating...
A few notes that are already mentioned in the official docs here and here: If an object has a parent, it has to be in the same thread as the parent, i.e. it cannot be moved to a new thread, nor can you set a parent to an object if the parent and the object live in different threads When an ob...

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