Tutorial by Topics: di

The List (linked list) shines in sequential access: accessing the first element prepending to the front of the list deleting from the front of the list On the other hand, it's not ideal for random access (ie. getting nth element) and traversation in reverse order, and you might have better...
pinMode(pin, pinMode) // Sets the pin to the mode defined. digitalRead(pin); // Reads the value from a specified digital pin, ParamterDetailspinmodeShould be set to INPUT or INPUT_PULLUP If the input pin is not pulled LOW or HIGH, the value will float. That is, it won't be cle...
There are some cases where your application cannot manipulate the contents of assets loaded from an external resource (e.g. transform images). I can't remember for certain what they are, but I am fairly sure it's related to cross domain content loading.
This section provides an overview of what Redis is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within Redis, and link out to the related topics. Since the documentation for Redis is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Perfect forwarding requires forwarding references in order to preserve the ref-qualifiers of the arguments. Such references appear only in a deduced context. That is: template<class T> void f(T&& x) // x is a forwarding reference, because T is deduced from a call to f() { g(s...
It's up to clients of the class implementing IDisposable to make sure they call the Dispose method when they are finished using the object. There is nothing in the CLR that directly searches objects for a Dispose method to invoke. It's not necessary to implement a finalizer if your object...
void setAudioStreamType(int streamtype) void setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri) void prepare() void prepareAsync() void start() void stop() The MediaPlayer usage is mainly based on the State diagram: That means that in order to play audio/video a defined sequ...
AngularJS Directives are custom elements in HTML (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tell AngularJS to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element, or even to transform the DOM element and its children. In short, when we create a directive, AngularJS will treat that...
Variations of Markdown with differing syntax are called "flavors." Markdown flavors are listed at https://github.com/jgm/CommonMark/wiki/Markdown-Flavors. A Markdown flavor can be implemented in various programming languages and software applications. Libraries that implement a Markdown...
Several Excel formulas deal with rounding and precision of non-integer numbers. This is separate from using cell formatting that affects the display of numeric data. In some cases just using cell formatting is sufficient, but in complex calculations, strict rules for rounding and precision are req...
Frame-based animation in Flash and AIR implement the following lifecycle: Event.ENTER_FRAME is dispatched Constructor code of children display objects are executed Event.FRAME_CONSTRUCTED is dispatched Frame actions in the MovieClip symbol is executed Frame actions in children MovieClip sym...
Three-dimensional plotting in matplotlib has historically been a bit of a kludge, as the rendering engine is inherently 2d. The fact that 3d setups are rendered by plotting one 2d chunk after the other implies that there are often rendering issues related to the apparent depth of objects. The core...
R has many built-in functions to work with probability distributions, with official docs starting at ?Distributions. There are generally four prefixes: d-The density function for the given distribution p-The cumulative distribution function q-Get the quantile associated with the given probabi...
An object's property can be assigned a static value which stays constant until it is explicitly assigned a new value. However, to make the fullest use of QML and its built-in support for dynamic object behaviors, most QML objects use property bindings. Property bindings are a core feature of QML...

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