Tutorial by Topics: es

Flashing message to the template by flash() function. flash(message, category='message') flash('hello, world!') flash('This is a warning message', 'warning') messagethe message to be flashed.categorythe message's category, the default is message. Template Inheritance API
test coverage is defined as a technique which determines whether our test cases are actually covering the application code and how much code is exercised when we run those test cases. Angular CLI has built in code coverage feature with just a simple command ng test --cc
It sometimes happens that two languages put different meanings on the same or similar syntax expression. When the both languages are of interest for a programmer, clarifying these bifurcation points helps to better understand the both languages in their basics and subtleties.
RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code. Using TypeScript with RequireJS requires conf...
In this post you will find the different ways to implement offline capabilities when usingFirebase , information about when and why could be a good idea enable offline capabilities and examples of it with Android platform. What should I use? Disk persistence or keepSynced calls? From my exp...
Here is some of different ways to provide alias names to columns in Sql Server
Aggregation is one of the most common uses for R. There are several ways to do so in R, which we will illustrate here.
Variables are what make up most of JavaScript. These variables make up things from numbers to objects, which are all over JavaScript to make one's life much easier. var {variable_name} [= {value}]; variable_name{Required} The name of the variable: used when calling it.=[Optional] Assignm...
Access control(scope) to various methods, data members, initialize methods.
This section provides an overview of what es6-promise is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within es6-promise, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for es6-promise is new, you may need to create initial versions of those ...
This technique divides input data into data classes to reduce test cases amount to validate a rule. The idea is that given a set of possible equivalent values, using just one of those values will be enough to design a test case. An advantage of this approach is reduction in the time required for...
This technique should be used whenever you have boundaries defined into a spec. It is a great idea to apply it to any rule based on time, values, any kind of counting or scale to be triggered. It also ensure and helps finding n + 1 errors. And yes, it is an expansion from Equivalence Partition c...
You should be careful using these words for variable, model name, method name or etc.
These examples are for documenting CSS-specific design patterns like BEM, OOCSS and SMACSS. These examples are NOT for documenting CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. These examples are for documenting CSS-specific methodologies / design patterns. These methodologies include but are...
This technique should be used when you have any workflow in place, and should consider positive test cases (transitions that can happen), as well as negative test cases (transitions that are not allowed). Any rule that can be described, thinked, scratched as a state transition diagram, workflow,...
This topic is meant to be a memento about the R language without any text, with self-explanatory examples. Each example is meant to be as succint as possible.
A frequent desire is to convert monthly data into quarterly data format. One simple method is to 1) sum the appropriate months into quarterly sums, then 2) identify those months as quarters, and finally 3) filter the quarterly data out of your monthly data. Here's a relatively quick and easy method ...

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