Tutorial by Topics: excel

Microsoft Excel includes a comprehensive macro programming language called VBA. This programming language provides you with at least three additional resources: Automatically drive Excel from code using Macros. For the most part, anything that the user can do by manipulating Excel from the user...
Microsoft Excel is a high-utility spreadsheet for use on calculation and macro programming. Excel also boasts compatibility with Visual Basic for Applications. Data is arranged and evaluated in a grid of cells, where it can be formulated or displayed in charts.
Several Excel formulas deal with rounding and precision of non-integer numbers. This is separate from using cell formatting that affects the display of numeric data. In some cases just using cell formatting is sufficient, but in complex calculations, strict rules for rounding and precision are req...
This topic consists of a wide variety of useful tips and tricks discovered by SO users through their experience in coding. These are often examples of ways to circumvent common frustrations or ways of using Excel in a more "clever" way.
These examples introduce the most used commands of Perl to manipulate Excel via Win32::OLE module. $Sheet->Range(Cell1,[Cell2]) #Select a cell or a range of cells $Sheet->Cells(rowIndex, columnIndex) #Select a cell by index of row and column ParametersDetailsCell1 (required)The na...
This section provides an overview of what excel-formula is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within excel-formula, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for excel-formula is new, you may need to create initial versions of t...
Examples on how to save the created Excel sheet to the Disk or send it to the Browser.
How to style Cells with font types, background color, border styles etc.
Sometimes the returned search results in a Mass Update isn't the same as the results in a standard search, this is due to some limitations in a Mass Update Search. An example of this is Rev Rec Journal entries. Therefore, the workaround for this was to get the data from the standard saved search and...
A more versatile alternative to VLOOKUP. An Index Match packs the power of a Vlookup and Hlookup in one formula. You also do not need to know which number column/row the information is. Due to this, deleting columns/rows will not mess up the formula.
This topic is about working with tables in VBA, and assumes knowledge of Excel Tables. In VBA, or rather the Excel Object Model, tables are known as ListObjects. The most frequently used properties of a ListObject are ListRow(s), ListColumn(s), DataBodyRange, Range and HeaderRowRange.
Excel-VBA Optimization refers also to coding better error handling by documentation and additional details. This is shown here. *) Line numbers represent are integers, that is a signed 16 bit data type in the range of -32,768 to 32,767, otherwise you produce an overflow. Usually line numbers a...
Data validation allows user to create a drop-down list and restrict values in the cell to these entries. Due to limitation Excel can't bind more than 256 characters programmatically. To bind more than 256 characters one can follow explained approach.

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