Tutorial by Topics: execution

eval(expression[, globals=None[, locals=None]]) exec(object) exec(object, globals) exec(object, globals, locals) ArgumentDetailsexpressionThe expression code as a string, or a code objectobjectThe statement code as a string, or a code objectglobalsThe dictionary to use for global variable...
Meteor.wrapAsync(func, [context]) ParametersDetailsfunc: FunctionAn asynchronous/synchronous function to be wrapped in a Fiber that takes a callback w/ parameters (error, result).context: Any (optional)A data context in which the function gets executed upon. An asynchronously wrapped funct...
@FixMethodOrder // Runs test using default method sorter @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters) // Runs test using MethodSorter associated with the MethodSorters enum.
From MSDN: Target Build Order Determining the Target Build Order MSBuild determines the target build order as follows: InitialTargets targets are run. Targets specified on the command line by the /target switch are run. If you specify no targets on the command line, then the DefaultTar...
.bash_profile, .bash_login, .bashrc, and .profile all do pretty much the same thing: set up and define functions, variables, and the sorts. The main difference is that .bashrc is called at the opening of a non-login but interactive window, and .bash_profile and the others are called for a login she...
A code block is a piece of Python program text that can be executed as a unit, such as a module, a class definition or a function body. Some code blocks (like modules) are normally executed only once, others (like function bodies) may be executed many times. Code blocks may textually contain other c...

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